Will Boomers Be Retiring in Oregon, Washington, or the Northwest?
Boomers are rethinking housing options for their retirement. Here is an article that you may find useful to understand what is on the mind of today's boomers. Click here. Have you educated yourself to understand how to help your clients meet their goals? There is no better time than now to understand the needs and options of this growing population since Boomers now account for 30% of the population: 4,000,000 will turn 62 in 2012 so I have attached a link with the real numbers. Click here The question remains: Do you understand the needs and have you educated yourself on options?
Here are some resources for you to consider:
What are Financial Planners saying about Reverse Mortgage?
Barry Sacs "Reversing the Conventional Wisdom"
Dr. John Salter and Harold Evensky: "Standby Reverse Mortgage"
The bottom line is that their in depth studies show that it is better for the Boomer to do a Reverse Mortgage before they need it. So just in case you are still a non-believer I have included a calculator so that you can plug in your own retirement numbers and compare the difference both with and without a Reverse Mortgage so that you can begin to see that it is a great tool that can give you a higher likely hood of a successful retirement. Isn't that what we all want?
You should also thoroughly understand how to use a HECM for purchase: I have included a calculator here for your convenience.
Of course your best source of knowledge is from a professional that can educate you on what you need to know to help yourself or your clients Retire in Oregon, Washington or the Northwest!
For more information please visit my website and call for more information. I would be happy to connect you with a full time professional in your neighborhood today.