
1575 visitors to yesterday (see stats) - FREE site to post to

Real Estate Agent with Dream Realty is an extremely easy way (and FREE) way to promote yourself and your properties.
We are getting a lot of visitors and a decent number of leads.  Here are stats from GOOGLE for the last
10 days.  As you can see, we haven't been doing it very long.
There is a ton of demand for real estate videos.    
GOOGLE stats
Here's how can help you:
1.  You are free to post your properties.  It support videos and photos.  It also supports complete property details.
Dream Realty Listing
2. It has a very easy to editing interface, so you can modify your listing (including video and photos) at anytime .
3.  You get your own member channel which includes your cell phone, email, website and any description you'd like to enter. 
Dream Realty member channel
4.  Dream Realty does not charge you anything for the service - any leads you get from your postings are 100% your own.
5.  As members sign up, they are listed on the home page.  As properties are entered, they are also listed on the home page.
Dream Realty Home Page
6. There is a complete property search by city, type, beds, price, keywords, etc.
7. There's more, please check it out for yourself,  
Good luck with it,
Sheldon Goldberg
Broker - Dream Realty 
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Chris Frantz
EDU Real Estate Group - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks for sharing.  I will have to check it out and add a few listings.
Jan 28, 2008 03:22 AM
Sheldon Goldberg
Dream Realty - Clearwater, FL

Great, please do.  I am having fun creating the site and helping people in the process.


Jan 28, 2008 04:33 AM