The subject of Guns in our society has always been a polarizing subject. Each and every time the conversation has come up it is immediate smacked down. It seems as if no conversation is allowed about the subject that isn't viewed as some harsh stance against gun owners and their rights.
In my view we do not have a gun issue! What no gun issue you ask? Let me explain before you take my head off. You see I tend to agree that guns are really not the issue when it comes to violence in this sense. Be it a single shot pistol or a full blazing automatic assault weapon.
As American citizens we should be able to own them. Bazookas too if we want them. You see for me it is not a gun issue per say but an access issue.
That's right an Access Issue. What then is the solution. First of all we have to ask ourselves what do Americans need guns for? Each and every time we ask that question the answer is for the most part a three fold answer.
1 : Hunting
2 : Target Practice
3 ; Protection
So lets take a look at these three perceived needs. Hunting : in most States Hunting season is a well regulated industry with certain time periods where it is allowed. Target Practice : target practice is often conducted at a gun range club, not always but often. Protection : protection is at best an equalizer. Someone comes at you with a gun your perception is that if you just had a gun then perhaps you might have a chance. Well the old west proved that theory wrong as some people were just better at using guns. Some people are fearless and will shoot you down at a blink of an eye. The more often they expose themselves the bolder they become.
In recent shootings that has proven the case over and over again when people came forward after the fact of a major shooting incident only to say that yes they had a concealed weapon but chose to duck and cover with everyone else.
As I mentioned in the beginning the problem to me seems to be access. What if all guns then were held at say a Shooting range or Gun Storage facility? When it comes time to go hunting you present your license and take out your gun. Now as most of us know most hunters do not need a multi-round clip that fires Armour piercing bullets to go hunting.
Target practice seems to have the same answer. What better place to go practice than at a target practice facility. Perhaps it will even expand the business to new levels. An evolution if you will to the target practice facility giving you scenarios like police and or military people practice at.
And or course you say " Yea what about the Self Protection "? Odds are that a even one on one show down between an emblazoned criminal or Psycho with a Gun is only going to get you killed. If no one has access to guns other than through hunting privileges then how likely are you going to need one?
Access to guns is the problem and I have presented a solution. What say you are you willing to take up the conversation and present a solution or just to say no and continue to turn a blind eye while our friends and family are gunned down in the streets.