The Kingstowne Community is located in Alexandria Virginia in Fairfax County, 22315. This community consists of 47 neighborhoods/subdivisions, with a mix of townhomes, single family homes, condominiums and apartments. Kingstowne has many amenities that include two fitness centers with state of the art equipment, swimming pools, tennis courts, and a lake with walking trails. This community also has a lively and town center with a movie theater, shops and restaurants. The Kingstowne Community in Alexandria has quick access to the Capital Beltway, and is situated between the Van Dorn Street and Franconia-Springfield Metro-rail Stations.
The following is market activity for the Kingstowne Community in Alexandria 22315 is courtesy of the Real Estate Business Intelligence, LLC (RBI):
This graph shows the number of active listings (homes for sale) over the past 12 months with a comparison to the previous year. For the past 12 months, there have been less homes on the market when compared to each month of the previous year.
This graph shows the median sales price over the past 12 months with a comparison to the previous year. The Median price remained at or above $400,000 for 10 out of the past 12 months. The median price remained at or above $400,000 for 6 out of 12 months in the previous year.
This graph shows the average number of days it took for a home to sell past 12 Months With A Comparison To The Previous Year. There was an improvement in the number of days that it took for a house to sell during the summer of 2012 over the previous summer. The number of days a home is on the market is usually longer as winter approaches. October and November 2012 had an increase in days on the market compared to the previous year.
This graph shows the average listing price to sold price over the past 12 months with a comparison to the previous year. On average in the sold for 96.4f% of the asking price. This is up slightly from the 95.7% during the previous year.