Walnut Green Road in scenic Greenville Delaware not only is the home to the historic Walnut Green School, but also offers a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase Walnut Green Rd Real Estate Greenville DE 19807 currently for sale.
My grandfather attended Walnut Green School, which was built in 1732, and rebuilt in 1780. It was in continuous use as a public school for 140 years. For more on the school and it's restoration, read this article from in the Sunday Morning Star, October 10, 1948. It is now is on the National Registry of Historic Places.
In the heart of Greenville's Chateau Country, just past Hoopes Resevoir, is Walnut Green Road which I've traveled frequently over the years when we lived in Walnut Ridge. Walnut Green Road ends at the Pyles Ford Road and the entrance to Fieldstone Golf Club (where my family used to toboggan and snow mobile before it became a golf course).
To learn more about the Gentleman Estate on Walnut Green Road that is currently for sale, click one of the photos below which will take you to a link which provides photos, virtual tours, satellite view, room sizes, acreage and more.
For a private tour, contact Mary & John Luca at 302-740-5872.
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To View ALL Properties for Sale in Greenville, DE visit http://www.lucateam.com/greenville-delaware-homes-for-sale-listings-19807.aspx
Greenville Delaware Community Demographics Greenville Delaware Single Family Homes for Sale Greenville Delaware Condos and Townhomes for Sale Greenville Delaware Lots Land for Sale 19807 Greenville Delaware Commercial Properties for Sale
Having grown up in the heart of chateau country in Greenville, Delaware, I can appreciate the rare combination of nature and country married with convenience.While deer and foxes could enjoy our property by the stream, it only took a couple minutes to get on Kennett Pike (Rt. 52) to travel easily to Wilmington, Brandywine Hundred, or Longwood.
Greenville and it’s surrounding area is filled with educational, recreational and cultural amenities such as:Delaware Museum of Natural History, Alexis I DuPont High Shool (my alma mater), Wilmington Country Club (where John & I met), Fieldstone Golf Course (we used to sled and snowmobile here before it was developed), Vicmead Hunt Club, Biderman Golf Club, Greenville Country Club, Coverdale Farm (a family favorite), Hagley Museum and Library, Winterthur Museum and Gardens (including Point to Point), The Inn at Montchanin Village, Mount Cuba Center (where my grandparents lived), Mount Cuba Astronomical Observatory, Nemours Mansion and Gardens and Valley Garden Park near Hoopes Reservior (which is stunning when the leaves change colors in the fall).
Click here to view ALL of the estates, homes, and lots & land in Greenville, DE listed for sale. You may narrow the search criteria by clicking on the "Search" button to the right. Please let us know if you have further questions. We promise to "persist without exception" to serve you so you get the new or resale home you want and the deal you desire.
Mary & John Luca - Licensed in DE, PA & MD 302-740-5872 302-999-6966
