Sylvan Lake Otter Lake Lakefront Home Sales Real Estate Sales
Median sales price on all sports Sylvan and Otter Lakes is up 31% from last year. Average sales price on Sylvan and Otter Lakes is up 26% from last year.
So far this year there have been 8 more sales on Sylvan and Otter Lakes than all of 2011.
Distressed sales are down. Way down. In 2011 distressed sales (foreclosures and short sales) made up 47% of all sales on Sylvan and Otter Lake. So far in 2012 there have only been 3 distressed sales on Sylvan and Otter Lake or 13% of lake sales.
Unit Sales:
2011- 15
2012- 23
Average Sale Price:
2011- $251,157
2012- $337,604
Median Sale Price:
2011- $202,500
2012- $295,000
Sales Volume:
2011- $3,767,352
2012- $7,764,900
Foreclosures (units):
2011- 5
2012- 3
Short Sales (units):
2011- 2
2012- 0
There are currently 8 active listings on Sylvan and Otter Lake- ranging in asking price from $95,000-$725,000. 1 short sale and the rest are normal listings.
Sylvan and Otter Lake is a 530 acre all sports lake located in Waterford and West Bloomfield Townships and the Village of Sylvan Lake, MI.
Compliments of Jackie Hawley of the JHawley and Associates Real Estate Team at ReMax Encore in Clarkston MI.
Cell: (248)736-6407
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