
Pine Tree Estates-Florida 5 Year Septic System Evaluation Program/Bill Sohl

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max ParkCreek

Bill Sohl wants to know if Pine Tree Estates Homeowners know Florida started an evaluation program on homeowners with septic tanks?  The evaluation program was created to ensure all onsite sewage treatments systems in the state of Florida are working properly and to identify and fix any current failures.  Since unmaintained septics can cause health conditions to the enviroment and Florida's water supply, the EPA mandated this program in hopes to clean up Florida's water.  The evaluation program will consist of a drainfield inspection and tank pump-out all at the costs of the homeowners.  Owners are also responsible for any further repairs needed to the system to ensure it's properly functioning.  The fees will differ from state to state.  The health departments fee will be $30.00; however, you'll still have the inspectors and tank pump clean out fee which will vary.  Once the evaluation is finished and clear, the inspector will provide homeowners with a certificate.  Any tank within 5 years old or that can show proof of being pumped out within the previous 5 years will be exempt.  Being the Pine Tree Estates real estate specialists in Parkland Florida,  Bill Sohl wanted Pine Tree Estates residents to be familiar with Florida's new 5 year septic evaluation program.  Bill Sohl finds it his responsiblity to stay on top new or changing laws that can effect  Pine tree Estates residents.  As of January 1, 2011, septic homeowners will get a 60 day notice from the health department requiring an inspection on their septic tank. The state send out these notices quarterly.  As of now, Bill Sohl hasn't heard of any of his many past clients receiving a notice for evaluation, but again, Bill Sohl just wants to bring it to Pine Tree Estates Howeowners attention.  For additional iformation, go to  For information on Pine Tree Estates property values, go to