93730- Fresno CA Market Stats
Wondering what is going on in 93730, North East Fresno?
The median list price in January for single family homes in Fresno is$481,500. The list prices increased by2.66% from the previous month.
The price per square foot for listings in this area is $183.
The median sale price in August forsingle family homes is $344,500. The sale prices increased by 29.51% from the previous month.
The price per square foot for sales in this area is $141.
Median household income in 93730 is $92,472 with 83 households earning between $35,000 to $40,000 annually.
Income levels are listed along the left side of the chart, and the number of households are displayed along the bottom.
Need more info on properties located in 93730? Search here for listings or school data. Contact me for more information: 559.916.4382