If I had a nickel for every time that I had a home seller tell me that the smoke detectors work fine, I wouldn’t be rich but I would have a whole bunch of nickels. Sometimes it is just better to skip the ion/photo speech and go to the how they work if there was a real fire and everyone was asleep mode.
What if you kept setting off false alarms near the kitchen or bathroom, and one of the kids took the battery out because it annoyed them, or alerted the family that they had spent too much time in the shower? You would never know.
In a real fire, the firefighters don’t know who may still be in the house, if anyone, They just know that the house is on fire, their worst case scenario is loss of life, and that every second is vital. The Brockton Fire Department, and its Fire Prevention Bureau is all over this. It has one of the best reputations in the country by organizations like the Insurance Adjuster groups.
Life is so much easier if you are already on the front lawn telling the Squad Commander that everyone is safe when they arrive, so let’s just follow the law and get it done