
2008 will be great

Real Estate Agent with Homes of Idaho

Is any one else out there feeling and seeing some positive signs for 08? I personally am starting the new year with a much stronger attitiude. One of the biggest factors is just hearing real estate agents and others in this industry saying positive things. One of the latest was an add put into the Statesman from Pioneer Title. Cudo's to them for a job well done. I use Pioneer Title along with others and they will be next on my list when it is time to hook up a new client with a title company. They're pro active approach with this article was GREAT for all in the real estate business. I'm sure the cost was sugnificant because it was a half page maybe it was a full page add, that was run twice that I saw. Either way it was an attention grabber. I also believe that the sellers have finally excepted that they can still get a good price for their home they just won't be getting the moon and stars. In turn a few buyers that I have been working for months are actually getting excited about the fact they believe they may actually be able to afford their first home with out sacrifing what is important to them. It all starts with the first time home buyer in my opinion. Looking forward to a great 2008.


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LaNita Cates
REMAX of Joliet - Joliet, IL
Liz,  I'm so busy already! I have a close tomorrow and wrote a contract this morning and have some closings in February. I'm taking 3 buyers out this complaints from me. I think the business is out there depending on your area.  Good luck Liz!
Jan 29, 2008 08:29 AM
Tom Davis
Harrington ERA,DE Homes For Sale, $$ Save $$ Buy Today ! - Dover, DE
FREE Delaware Homes Search!, $$ Save $$ - Find Homes! Delaware Realtor

Yes My New Years Resolution is just that...Looking Forward To A Great 2008!  Work Hard And Feel Great!  Now the only other thing I need to work hard on besides my business is losing a little weight and then everything will feel great for 2008! :)

Tom Davis - Delware Real Estate Agent - Active Rain Blogger

Jan 29, 2008 08:30 AM
Ruth Ann Mertens-Oklahoma City Real Estate
Paradigm AdvantEdge Realty - Oklahoma City, OK
Yes, definitely!  Tons of prospective buyers at our Open Houses last weekend!  We are working with at least half a dozen new buyers just in the last week!  Things are looking great here for the New Year.  Here in the Oklahoma City metro area there are lots of great and affordable homes available and interest rates are great.  Hope you have a great 2008 wherever you are!
Jan 29, 2008 08:55 AM
Konnie Mac McCarthy
MacNificent Properties, LLC - Cobb Island, MD
Broker/Owner - VA & MD "Time To Get A Move On!"

Yup..I am busier...things are relly starting to pick up, I think it will be  a good year

Jan 29, 2008 11:51 AM