When you look at this what do you see? Do you see cute? Do you see silly? Do you see a clown or a dog? If I desribed this to you how close would your mental image be to the photo? Doesn't this colorful photo say much more than a written description?
I don' t have to tell you how important a photo can be in getting your point across. One of our most valuable tools in getting a home sold is a photo. As many photos as possible. Visual tours and more recently video, You Tube and other mediums can also be utilized. How much is a digital camera today? 50 bucks? 10 bucks for a disposable? Sorry, no excuse.
How many times have you read remarks extolling the virtues of a property only to say to yourself. Wonderful! If it is so great where the heck are the pictures !!???
An agent who does not include at the very minimum, photos in their MLS listings is no agent at all. We are paid well to do what we do and have an obligation to market a property so that other agents can share it with potential buyers. I am not sending my client an address, comments and blank white boxes.
Buyers do not look at listings with NO PHOTOS. Hello!!!??? I can't believe a poor seller could be represented in such a shoddy fashion. What a huge disservice to a seller that is.
Great photo's SELL. Never input a listing without photos. The first time that a listing hits the MLS it should have photos attached.
Be an agent who takes pride in the information you provide to help another agent get your listing sold. Don't let the photo above be you!
Stay tuned for part 2 - Listing appointment check list and seller homework.