
Realtor Robots. What Makes YOU Different Than The Next Guy?

Real Estate Agent

RobotRealtor Robots.  What Makes YOU Different Than The Next Guy?

 by Leander McClain

Cecil & Harford County Maryland Realtor


As Realtors, we all like to believe that we are pretty good at doing our job.  We all like to feel that we serve our clients to the best of our ability.  We all like to think that we bring a unique set of values and skills to the table.  These values and skills are unmatched by anyone else in the industry.Robot head

Recently, I started receiving emails from former colleagues who work for an un named Bold real estate company.  The interesting thing about these emails is that they were all exactly the same.  I mean word for word, punctuation for punctuation.  Only difference.....the signature block.

Another interesting point was that I was a former colleague......yet I was sent the email as if I was a prospect.  After this happened several times.    I eventually realized that these agents were sending these mass unsolicited emails to everyone  they could find.  I was also automatically signed up for their newsletters

(I always thought you had to opt in for a subscription....but I digress). 

Recently I received the following letters from two insurance agents in my area.

Insurance prospecting letterInsurance Prosecting Letter

The interesting thing is that I thought these were exactly the same letter until I looked closer.  These are two agents who both have an office on the same street in the same town.  If you were looking for insurance and you received these letters, which would you choose?  The guy on the left, the guy on the right or neither?

I would like to know...


And what are you opions on these mass identical mailings.  Do you use them?  Do they work for you?


Have another great day and make This Your Best Year Ever

Your Friend In The Real Estate Business

Leander McClain, Cecil & Harford County. Realtor & Real Estate Consultant, Integrity Real Estate, 121 South Main Street, Northeast, MD 21901 443-406-6778 (direct)

Integrity Real estate, northeast md, leander mcclain realtor


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Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Today you can custom make any marketing message so the fellow on the other end of the smoke signal can feel you are talking only to him in the audience. But if you one size fits all mass mail, even though you and I are used to that treatment, it works against you. If the frequency is annoying and the buyers, sellers feel like cattle being herded. Moo.

Jan 13, 2013 09:05 PM
Potranco Realty
Potranco Realty - San Antonio, TX
"Sold with Potranco Realty"

Cecil, I would never use such a robot automated system to send to potential clients, I too get these email from time to time and it's sad that they can't see this isn't branding them as unique. Good Stuff Bob


Jan 13, 2013 09:12 PM
Leander McClain
North East, MD
Cecil & Harford County Realtor

Andrew - I agree with you.  The one size fits all marketing annoys me.  I try to make all of my marketing fit all that I know about the potential clients. If I dont pay attention to potential clients in the marketing material....why would they think I would take care of them in real life

Jan 14, 2013 01:56 AM
Leander McClain
North East, MD
Cecil & Harford County Realtor


I am not a robot and I dont treat my clients as if they are all the same.  We are all unique and have unique needs

Jan 14, 2013 01:58 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

A standard message may be better than no message.  It is always much more impressive to receive a personalized message.

Jan 17, 2013 03:14 AM
Leander McClain
North East, MD
Cecil & Harford County Realtor


I agree with you 100%.  I am an individual and I treat my clients the same way.

Jan 17, 2013 05:08 AM