
Real Time Leads via Text Messaging

Real Estate Agent with Prudential First Choice Realty

January is almost over already!  3 months and 3 more weeks till the little one! (They think it's a boy!!)

 Now down to business!

I received some information about real time leads via text messaging.  With over 1.4 BILLION mobile phone subscribers world-wide, i was wondering if anyone has tried this and if they have found it successful or not?

The way that it works: A buyer drives by a house that catches their eye and notices a hanging sign saying "Text 'Info' to 'Realty Co.'"  The purchaser sends the text message and within seconds they have received a text message with all the essential property information for that home.  At the same time, the Realtor receives the phone number of the cell phone from which the text message was sent and an indication of which property the potential purchaser was interested in.  The Realtor can then initiate contact immediately, even while the individual is sitting outside the home! (Can you say, potential showing??)

This program keeps a record of all of the numbers that have sent a text to you about a certain property and creates a data base.  At a later date you can send out a text alert announcing an open house at 2:00pm to multiple people, a price change, or status change.

They claim no set-up fees or no monthly maintenance fees.  The only charge is the traffic generated by their hanging signs.  10cents per text. $.10 them to you, $.10 you to them, etc.

Has anyone ever done a program like this or even this one?  Let me know what you think.  I am very into the latest things and want to know if it is worth any of our time.  I would appreciate any feedback!

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Michael A. Caruso
Surterre Properties - Laguna Niguel, CA
Congratulations!  Enjoy every moment of this great Blessing.  We all think we know what love is until we have a child. Then and only then do we understand what love is...
Jan 30, 2008 03:02 AM
Chris Pollinger
Berman & Pollinger, LLC. - San Diego, CA
Consulting for Luxury Teams and Brokerages

The Txt idea works in areas that have a high degree of sophistication and younger demographics. 

Jan 30, 2008 03:40 AM