
Agent Profile Videos: Don't Wait Until Everyone Has One

Services for Real Estate Pros

Have you read "The Digital House Hunt" marketing report by NAR and Google? I know, we all have super busy lives, so you may have skipped reading the whole thing, but it's an interesting look at "the evolving role of digital media" in the home search process.

Check out the numbers on agent-related videos.  Agent related searches grew 46% on YouTube, and with all of the evidence about online video viewing trends, that number will keep growing. So, my advice (and not just because I produce videos :)) is to not wait, and get an agent profile video done today. While their popularity is growing, most agents and brokers still don't use video - so by doing so now, you can differentiate yourself from the competition. 

What do you think - do you like the idea of an agent profile video to market yourself, and if not, what's holding you back?

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Mary Stewart
HomeTrust Real Estate, LLC, Homes for Everyone - Wilsonville, OR
Wilsonville and Surrounding Portland Metro Areas

Great idea Susan.  I did a slide video that I have on my real estate website,  marystewarthomes , and did it through Animoto and YouTube.  I could probably make it better and change it up a bit in fact I need to change out a couple of photos and this is such a great reminder, thank you!  Any thoughts would be appreciated always.

Jan 18, 2013 02:21 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Videos For Real Estate Listings, real full motion with sound are memorable, easy to digest and the way to roll. For local community portal experiences about what happens around the real estate listing. For the property so everything fits, you can see the flow and how it goes together. Any time of day, night, weather, time zone. Open house on demand show and tell delivery to wherever the buyer is on the planet, solar system. Videos wors so well. A slide show with Kenny G is not a video. It is recycled images with slice and dice gyrations that waste the time of the buyer who is going to buy a property. From someone.

Sep 28, 2013 01:18 AM