As a 20 year veteran of the Chicago area real estate market, it is my opinion that the year 2008 is the land of opportunity for anyone who is looking to purchase a home. The interest rates are at historic lows, which locks your payment in for 30 years (think about how nice it would be to keep your new property as a rental property for your golden year retirement), and there are so many well priced properties to choose from that you will feel like you are Christmas shopping in an over stocked department store in October. My biggest fear as a listing agent used to be about the uncle who would show up at an inspection and ask his nephew how he could buy this home for $400,000 when he purchased his home on the next block 2 years ago for $365,000. What is that uncle going to say to his nephew today? "Hey nephew, how could you pay $350,000 for this home? Don't you know I paid $365,000 for a similar property 2 years ago?
Come on new buyers. Lets make your know it all uncle jealous. Look at to start your property search. Lets get out there and buy! Call me at 312-513-4490 with any real estate question, or email me at
Earl B. Ruthman, Broker
Coldwell Banker Leader Realty.