Many home owners are delaying the inevitable while cashing out hard earned retirement accounts, using credit cards to pay bills and borrowing money from family members to try to keep their heads above water. True financial relief from a short sale is all most homeowners in hardship need.
A short sales occurs when your home is sold for less than what you currently owe on the house. If the short sale is close to the market value and, with the right WI short sale realtor, it is possible that the lending company will allow a short sale to happen. You are able to sell your home and the bank will let the difference slide. Click here for a Free consultation. It's easy, it's fast and it's FREE!
Reep the benefits of a short sale........
- Short sale will not only benefit the home owner in trouble. Lenders do not want to foreclose homes as they are losing out on an investment. With short sale, they are able to walk away from a very tough situation almost unscathed.
- You win by getting out of financial predicament a clean transaction and a salvaged credit score. Your property is saved from foreclosure, thus helping you to save your credit rating. Allowing your home to proceed into foreclosure may adversly affect your credit for up to 7 years.
- The buyer of your property wins by getting a solid property at a good market value.
If you are worried about foreclosure and are wondering if short sale is for you, then you can get a free consultation where you will find out how to save your home and what options are available to you.
Click Here For A Free Consultation or Give us a call at 920-993-7234
Don't wait until it is too late. Often times the earlier you start the short sale process the higher the success rate.
We are trained as a Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource
Allouez WI Short Sale Consultant