You may have heard the term “Web 2.0” (we call it The NEW Internet) floating around out there in cyberspace, but what does it really mean? How can you use it to generate more of whatever it is you are trying to do online?
Well really quickly, the term was born during a conference in 2004. What it means in a nutshell is that the web has become a conversation and let’s anyone participate in that conversation through technology. So in the old days if you had an idea or product you wanted to sell, you had to hire someone to build a website for you and then maintain it. With Web 2.0, its easy for anyone to set-up their own website with MySpace, Facebook or Squidoo, just to name a few, and then customize it with their own content. And, your Web 2.0 site isn’t just sitting there waiting for someone to find it. You can actively “network” to find new friend or client who have an interest in what you have to offer. You can get feedback and comments and with Web 2.0 consumers of information have a lot of power to review their experiences with your product, service or idea. There is not sugar coating on Web 2.0.
The other cool thing is that The NEW Internet is decentralized. That means that their aren’t a few big players determining what the next great hit or idea or product will be. Instead it is a patchwork of endless niches that have their own distinct groups that are waiting to be touched by you. You will be touching your target audience by creating your own valuable unique content. The tools to create articles and e-book and even videos has never been easier.
The other characteristic with The NEW Internet is that its about sharing. Sharing information to expand the collective knowledge. Give ideas and concepts away, it’s like adding value first before expecting something in return. The NEW Internet is not about selling its about TEACHING. I am not saying you won’t be selling anything because for most people that is the goal, instead your content should be that consultative approach, TEACH them what they don’t know and they are likely to buy from someone they see as an “expert”.
So think of Web 2.0 like the real world works. What is the best kind of advertising for a business? Arguably it's word-of-mouth. Then think about the best sales people you've dealt with. The most successful don't take a "hard sell" approach, but rather a consultative approach to show you how features benefit you rather than just closing a sell. They build a relationship. That's what happens in the virtual work of Web 2.0. It's about building networks of fans for your product or service online through social networks and blogs.
So it's about conversations, relationships, sharing and trust. It's that what any good relationship should be build on? The technology makes it easy to do this globally in a virtual world.
This is a revolution that will transform your business. It's time to learn more about it.