Writing Tips From Top Real Estate Blogger, Faith McGee
Faith McGee is not your typical writer; she goes above and beyond standard content marketing. Brands come to her for ‘The-Big-Picture’. Instead of delivering tactics, Faith presents full blown measurable strategies with a larger goal in mind. Not only that, but she knows exactly how to get you there.
I had the honor of interviewing Faith about her unique journey through the digital content-verse. Prepare to sit back and enjoy some of the best Real Estate and Content Marketing Advice on the web.
1. How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing for the last ten years. I started my career as a music writer for Nitevibe.com and Soundcheck Magazine. As much fun as it was interviewing bands and going to shows, it wasn’t lucrative. Luckily, I saw a job posting for a real estate writing position at a company called Dynamic Page Solutions out of Phoenix, AZ. This rest is history. I’ve been writing off and on about the real estate market ever since.
2. Where do you get Real Estate Content Ideas?
I get my ideas for content by looking at top stories in the real estate world, reading people’s comments and questions on real estate websites and answering often asked questions. Sometimes, I look at regional real estate news. For instance, San Francisco experienced a really hot commercial real estate market last year, which was due to the many tech companies moving into the city. I look at trends like the small housing trend and write content that is relevant to the market.
3. What’s the hardest part about writing about Real Estate?
The hardest part about writing real estate is keeping up with the newest social media trends that can benefit real estate agents. It seems like there is a new social media channel popping up each month that people are interested in using for their marketing campaign. I write a lot of articles that explain how real estate businesses can use these social networking sites to build their client pools, create target markets and keep tabs on how their marketing campaigns are doing. But I want to note that using social media will not solve all of your company’s problems. In fact, people who do not have clear plans and create Facebook pages without a strategy or maintain their sites will actually do more harm to their business than good.
4. What advice would you give to Real Estate Bloggers struggling to come up with content or write regularly?
I would tell a blogger to write as though they are a leading thought leader in their field. Choose a specific arena of expertise and write engaging content for your target market. For example, real estate agents selling lofts should not waste their time marketing blogs about single-family homes. It doesn’t make you look like an expert. It makes you seem unfocused. Visit chat forums and find out what people are interested in knowing more about. Answer popular questions. Every blog you write should inform the reader and not repackage old information.
5. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?
“Don’t write what you know, because it’s boring.” Most people think writing what they know will be enough to create an interesting blog. It’s not. Research things that matter to you and write about them. Your enthusiasm for new information will come through in the writing.
6. Favorite Book?
My favorite book is “The Light The Dead See: Selected Poems of Frank Stanford. I have a MFA in Creative Writing from California College of the Arts. This was a book suggested to me by one of my professors, and it continues to be my favorite book of poetry.
Faith currently writes for Money Crashers, RealEstate.com, Market Leader and is publishing a short story in Samizdat Literary Journal next month.