Many agents are now getting together on Open Houses and holding a PARADE OF HOMES! I have participated in several of these events. They can be done seasonally or monthly or even on a one time basis for a particular neighborhood. I've done the SPRINGTIME EXTRAVAGANZA, the SUMMER SIZZLER, etc. Since I am in South Florida with so many "community HOAs and condos" that do not allow signs, usually the community association will go along with a one day event to promote the community in a positive way. In some cases permission must be obtained from the local Town Council to allow signage for the event. The key is sharing the costs!! The more particpation, the lower the costs to hold and advertise great open houses.
- NOTIFY ALL LISTING AGENTS IN YOUR SELECTED AREA of your intentions and date of the Parade. You should have at least 6 listings participating in order to make it a BIG event!
- ENLIST A CO-CHAIR to help you organize the Parade!
- DELEGATE JOBS i.e., signs, flyers, balloons, maps to the Parade
- ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE by newspaper ads, post flyers on supermarket bulletin boards, flyers to all local real estate offices, offer a one day bonus to agents who bring a client and sign a contract, invite all the neighbors to view the homes and bring friends and family, ask local businesses to promote your Parade and possibly give a coupon or something as a give away.
Once you have done all of that, which is not that hard if you have cooperation from a few agents, sit back, relax and ENJOY THE PARADE!!
I have one scheduled for February 10 with 15 Listing Agents participating in one community. Watch for the results!! I personally have 4 listings in this community. Agents from my office have gladly volunteered to sit the houses.
Diane Lombardino, Realty International,