
5280 Restaurant Week in Denver...Mmm-Mark Your Calendar Food Lovers

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart Cherry Creek - Denver

Denver Restaurant WeekIn case you haven't already fallen off the New Year's diet wagon like the rest of us, I'm willing to bet that you'll happily jump off when this exciting week rolls around. (Your slight change of plans will surely be worth every delicious bite!)

If you happen to be a passionate food lover like me, definitely mark your calendar for this tasty annual'll want to be there!

Denver's Restaurant Week is almost here!

Now celebrating it's ninth year, Denver Restaurant Week has quickly become one of the mile-high city's most popular happenings!

Also known as 5280 Week, this is a foodie's dream come true. During this dine-out celebration, special menus will be offered at discounted prices throughout the city's BEST restaurants. 

In addition to being able to enjoy this Colorado town's awesome cuisine, two people can enjoy a multi-course menu for the fantastically low price of $52.80...and if you're dining alone, only $26.40!! Add tax plus gratuity and enjoy the opportunity to sup at tables inside many of Denver's finest foodie hangouts.

OK, first things first... Here are the dates so please remember to write them down:

DENVER RESTAURANT WEEK February 23-March 8, 2013

Secondly...ahhh, where to begin?  There are over 300+ restaurants celebrating and only so many nights to eat during this two-week period. Typically I look over the generous list of best places to choose from and then decide on my Top-30 or so.  The participation list is lonnnnng and growing as more restaurants continue to join each day. Click the link below to find out which of your personal faves are serving specials during Restaurant Week:

Restaurants participating in Denver Restaurant Week 2013

  MMM-mm...Be sure to make your reservations NOW!!

Denver Dessert

Each venue offers pre-determined menus which are deliciously inspired and will include well-thought-out course selections. If you're unfamiliar with some of the restaurant choices on the list, that's OK! What a great time to take advantage of an affordable way to explore Denver's BEST dining. Who knows, maybe you'll even discover a new favorite.*smiles*

Yummy...this is just one of the many joyous advantages of living a mile-high above sea level, wouldn't you agree? Remember to mark your calendar, make your reservations and put a temporary hold on that diet. We'll see you there my dear friends! (Psst...I'm already saving room for dessert and hoping you are too!)

(BONUS: Click on dessert photo to find out Denver's 25 Top-rated Restaurants)



With Excited and Delicious Regards,

 Kathleen Garvey Real Estate Blog

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Kathleen Garvey
HomeSmart Cherry Creek - Denver - Denver, CO
Denver's Neighborhood Expert - Listings & Sales

More than a few people have sent me emails regarding where to make reservations so I added a link here & above to help you out.  The popularity of this event is so high that many of the best restaurants are filling time slots quickly! Looks like we all need to get crackin' and make our choices fast...  

For me, I'm going to try a mix of newer establishments plus a few of Denver's long-running favorites.  There are soooo many places to choose from and only so much room in our stomachs...right? It's all about 14 days of great food at amazing prices and the City of Denver having FUN!! Bon appétit mes amis :)

Jan 28, 2013 11:08 PM
Michelle Gibson
Hansen Real Estate Group Inc. - Wellington, FL

Kathleen - This sounds like a delicious event coming up in Denver.

Feb 12, 2013 11:01 AM