Waukesha County Life and Nashotah Wisconsin Real estate go hand in hand. The following is for the last 30 days of market activity for the MLS in Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate for the last 30 days from 12/30/2012 to 1/30/2013.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market 0 homes sold; 0 were list and sold by the same company, and 0 were sold by co-brokes.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 2 new listings.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 pending listings.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 withdrawn listings.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 0 canceled listings.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 1 expired listings.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 1 back on market listings.
In the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate market there were 1 extended listings.
In the NashotahWisconsin Real Estate market there are 14 active listings.
Now is the time to buy and sell in the Nashotah Wisconsin Real Estate .
Have a productive day and I will see you at closing!
Email me at yourhomesold@tombraatz.com or call directly at 262-377-1459 What's my home worth?Market Analysis Want that perfect home? Dream Home Finder The MLS,on-line info,& more: www.buyingvip.com
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