
I'm Mike Tullio and I Endorse The Following Message

Mortgage and Lending with Guaranteed Rate NMLS# 2611 NMLS #208860

thumb I laugh every time I see a political ad on TV and at the end, the candidate's mug pops on screen, they offer up a cheesy smile, stare sincerely into the camera, and tell us how they endorse the commercial.  Really.  Oh, now I believe all of the political wrangling and posturing that just took place for the past 30 seconds now that you've put your stamp of approval on it.  I find myself thinking: Does it really matter that they endorse the ad?

A few hours ago, I had a mental dot connecting moment.  Endorsements.  Ultimately what these folks in the ads are striving for is credibility.  Legitimacy.  Trust.  I spent my lunch today with a good friend of mine that runs a branch of a local community bank.  I've sent a lot of equity line business his way because I know he will take good care of my clients and give them a fantastic product as well.  He took me by a dentist's office on the way to the restaurant and made some introductions and told this dentist that I was the person to talk with regarding mortgages.

Turns out the dentist needs to refinance his home and he wants to get started today.  With me.  Sure, it makes headlines when Schwarzenegger endorses McCain, but what made my headlines today was my banking buddy endorsing me.  Which brings up two questions:

1. Am I endorsable?  Do I run the kind of business that people talk about with their friends and family?  Do I offer something of value?  Do I have a unique selling proposition (USP)?

2. Who do I endorse?  Am I associating with the highest caliber professionals?  Would I feel comfortable referring my friends and family to my business associates?  Who has my vote?

We have a lot of power in the places we live and work.  Our vote counts.  Our endorsements matter.  So next time one of those annoying ads come on the tube, don't change the channel, be reminded that the business world runs on credibility, loyalty, and trust.  And be the candidate that delivers on their promises in this election year and you're guaranteed to be a winner at the polls.


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Joan Snodgrass
Midamerica Referral Network - Kimberling City, MO
Good Post, Mike.  I liked your analogy.  Congrats on being the endorsee. 
Jan 31, 2008 07:37 AM
Mike Tullio
Guaranteed Rate NMLS# 2611 - Sarasota, FL
VP of Mortgage Lending
Thanks Joan.  Although, those suffixes get rather confusing with endorsee and endorsor.  Guess the key is being both.
Jan 31, 2008 07:53 AM
Bethany Little
Whitworth Builders Realty, Inc. - Navarre, FL
Fantastic post, Mike.  You got me to stop and think.  You can consider that an endorsement from me on how well you write.
Jan 31, 2008 08:00 AM
Colton Daines
Sage Financial Services, Inc. - Menlo Park, CA


Great take on the topic. I think you had some great points.

Colton Daines

Jan 31, 2008 08:09 AM
Mike Tullio
Guaranteed Rate NMLS# 2611 - Sarasota, FL
VP of Mortgage Lending

Thanks Bethany.  Glad I could stimulate the grey matter a little.  And throwing the endorsement my way, very classy.  You get it.

Appreciate the feedback Colton.  Good to know my words aren't just a tree falling in the forest!

Jan 31, 2008 11:19 AM
Dan Forbes
Bradenton, FL
Mike, We should talk about this.  How can we take this to the next level?
Jan 31, 2008 09:36 PM
Mike Tullio
Guaranteed Rate NMLS# 2611 - Sarasota, FL
VP of Mortgage Lending
Good morning Dan.  I'd love to have that discussion.  Let's hit lunch or even breakfast next week and see how we can start our endorse-a-thon!  See you at lunch today.
Jan 31, 2008 10:47 PM
Boston, MA

Mike.... you have my vote. 

(This comment is endorsed by Martin Abeshaus)

Jan 31, 2008 11:23 PM
Mike Tullio
Guaranteed Rate NMLS# 2611 - Sarasota, FL
VP of Mortgage Lending
Thanks Martin.   I promise to lower your taxes and save Social Security so that you can retire rich someday!
Feb 01, 2008 12:19 AM
Richard Sweum
1st Security Bank - Everett, WA
Mike, Can I get some fries with that endorsement?
Feb 01, 2008 04:36 AM
Jackie -
770.498.7333 - Atlanta, GA
Learn to leverage technology to get more done.

Mike - congrats on the endorsement.  What "spoke to me" is that instead of focusing on "getting the endorsement" your post talks about us taking personal responsibility - i.e., making sure we are "endorsement worthy." 

My name is Jackie and I endorse Mike Tullio's blog! :-) 


Feb 06, 2008 09:45 AM
Mike Tullio
Guaranteed Rate NMLS# 2611 - Sarasota, FL
VP of Mortgage Lending
Thanks for the kind words Jackie.  Funny how there seems to be a shortage of common sense these days (along with a shortgage of 100% stated investor product).  I can't just waltz into a real estate office all guns blazing hoping to lasso up some loans; what I need to be doing is offerign workshops and trainings to help struggling realtors find ways to get deals done.  Only then will I get their endorsement.  Thanks for your stamp of approval on my blog!
Feb 06, 2008 02:06 PM