
This how you get free web traffic from the search engines

Education & Training with Matt LaClear Enterprises
Are you an agent who is desperately looking for free traffic from the search engines to hit your blog or website? If so let me teach you how to do it. This video is the first video in a series I have developed that will completely break it down on how to become successful on the internet.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
If you have any questions whatsoever make sure to check out my free e-course at or give me a call at 517-483-3187.
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Susie Blackmon
Ocala, FL
Ocala, Horses, Western Wear, Horse Farms, Marketing

Your 'click to play' is on my list of things to do when I return from the CRS Convention next week.  Thank you..... again.


Feb 01, 2008 12:37 AM
Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT



If the traffic is free, Matt, how de we avoid a traffic accident?




Feb 01, 2008 03:52 AM
Matt LaClear
Matt LaClear Enterprises - Lansing, MI

Not sure how to answer that Steve.  Probably just a quirky remark so you can add some points to you active rain score.  I take the time to teach you guys how to do it and hardly ant of you view it.  You probably would rather spend your time complaining how bad the market is right now.  Which in my opinion is the biggest downfall of most agents.  They spend a ton of time blogging on Active Rain but dont want to take the time to learn how to do it properly so they get leads coming in to their inbox.

 Maybe you don't understand your need for web traffic.

Feb 01, 2008 04:08 AM
Diana Dupre'
San Diego, CA
Behind the scenes making people look great.

Matt, are you planning on posting each video on this in this forum?  I watched this one and it would be great to have this all on here. 

Thank you for sharing this kind of information free, I wish more people would share their knowledge like this.

Be well,


Feb 01, 2008 05:33 AM

Thank you Matt. I came across your blog yesterday and now I am back for more. I have watched your video once, but have not done anything with my blog yet. Later on tonight I will apply your techniques. When will the next videos be out?


Feb 01, 2008 07:20 AM
Matt LaClear
Matt LaClear Enterprises - Lansing, MI
Hi Diana and Jen...yes I woll eventually be posting all the videos here.  But if you want to receive them when I post them on my website just visit and join my free training program.
Feb 01, 2008 07:55 AM
Susie Blackmon
Ocala, FL
Ocala, Horses, Western Wear, Horse Farms, Marketing

Hi Matt, I just watched the video and look forward to talking to you.  The video was very informative and easy to follow.  FYI, the volume was a bit low, even after adjusting.  I heard you though, and that's what counts.  I'll be in touch, and thank you for the video, very much.

Feb 02, 2008 12:40 AM
Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459
Coldwell Banker - Oconomowoc, WI
Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!


The market has always had it's ups and downs. If you create a self defeating prophecy and talk your self into the sky falling, guess what, it will.


Tom Braatz

Feb 09, 2008 04:26 AM