Home for Sale By Owner in Washington Twp, NJ 07882 - Flat Fee MLS Listing $395
5 Kinnaman Ave Washington Twp, NJ 07882 - Realtors welcome, buyer agent commission paid at MLS#2994420
4Beds 3 Baths
Immaculate home! Gourmet EIK w/beautiful granite counters/bksplsh, huge 9x4ft island, mahogany colored cabinets w/slideout drawers, SS & Titanium appl, dual fuel stove that any Epicurean would love. Family room has a natural roof line and stunning stone fpl. Living room is huge & features a brick fpl w/ beautiful mantle that matches the ceiling moldings. Dble French doors open on to a striking Dining room, offering an open flow to the home for parties. Many new vinyl windows that slide open for easy cleaning. Custom window coverings in the Family room. Backyard has a fenced in park like setting with a 12x16 patio and brick stairs going up to backyard in one area, slate walkway by back of house and toward sitting area. Beautiful stone fire pit for cool Summer evenings sitting by the fire with friends and drinks. Large shed that matches the house. 2.25 car garage with room for a workbench. Come see this lovely home and make it your own.
If you are interested in this Home for Sale By Owner in Washington Twp, NJ 07882- Flat Fee MLS Listing $395, please call 1-888-362-6543, enter the MLS#2994420 . You can make an appointment or ask any questions about the property. Realtors welcome, buyer commission is paid to any realtor. Please see additional listing details at Realtor.com featured by Realmart Realty.
If you have a Home for Sale in Washington Twp, NJ 07882 and would like save up to 6% commission, we can list your home on the local MLS and Realtor.com for a low flat fee of $395. For more information please read the FAQ on Home for Sale By Owner in Washington Twp, NJ 07882- Flat Fee MLS Listing. You will get the maximum exposure of the local MLS, in which thousands of local realtors will help you sell your home. You also reserve the right to sell your home by owner and pay no commission at all.
Please contact Realmart Realty for our texting special. All new orders will receive a free sign with Texting Service where buyers can get full listing details on their mobile phones instantly. Offers ends 05/30/2011, call now for more information about Homes for Sale By Owner in Washington Twp, NJ 07882- Flat Fee MLS Listing $395.
Are you buying a home in Washington Twp, NJ 07882 We will give you up to 2% of the purchase price of the property at closing if you choose to work with us. This is for all homes that are listed on the MLS. For more information, please read the Buying tips and FAQS.
Jack Yao - Realmart Realty info@realmartrealty.com, 732-727-2285
YES IT'S TRUE! The state of New Jersey allows REBATES for homebuyers. This is CASH in your pocket at the closing table. For more information on the rebate program, please read the New Jersey Law. This is not a government rebate. Please consult a tax professional about the rebate. In New Jersey commissions are negotiable.