Get Healthy in the Rain - Why I Joined in!
Everyone enjoys a challenge and I'm no exception... There have been many challenges here on ActiveRain and I have participated in many. Some I have successfully completed and then there are other ones I've not done so well with. I have over the years in my life set goals or tried to make challenges that were far to out of reach or were to high above my personal achievement... those are the ones that I have failed. It's not just failing that defeats me... it's the pressure and expectations I put on myself and the disappointment that follows.
Today when I sat down at the computer and turned to ActiveRain I went to visit one of my good friend's Anna Dovger. She is a fellow Home Stager like myself... she is a very sweet lady and an excellent Home Stager. I read her latest blog about the new group she joined and the challenge she just started. From the moment I started reading I became very interest in what she had to say. Although her initial intent was to lose a few pounds... that didn't really seem to be her focus. She wanted to get healthy! That's exactly what I wanted! I wanted to concentrate on feeling good and having more energy! So I immediately went to the original blog post and read more. This was the group for me... there wasn't anywhere in the post that said "you should lose this much in this much time". There wasn't any pressure at all.
So as you can tell by this post I joined... and whole heartily!
So here is my personal challenge and goals for this group.
- Cut out Caffeine ~ now this one is a tough one for me since I have relied on caffeine for energy for a very long time. I'm going to take this one... one day at a time and see how far I get.
- Reduce the amount of Sugar I consume ~ Since sugar is in almost everything I don't think I can completely cut it out right now... but I am confident I will get there in time.
- A more steady Exercises program ~ For now I plan to walk 3 to 5 days a week. Later I would like to join a gym.
- Eating more Healthy ~ I haven't always ate a lot of salads but I would like to eat at least one salad per day. I thought maybe I would add some salmon to it to get my Omega 3's. It should help the salad to taste great and be more healthy too!
The end result that I am looking for is to feel great and have plenty of energy that comes from eating healthier the natural way and not from an artificial source.
Golden Gate Bridge ~ San Francisco, CA
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