
Are you ready to start living a life of Joy & Abundance?

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 Are you ready to start living a life of joy and abundance? JoyfulAgent is here to help you achieve your dreams and rekindle the Life You Love!   

Thoughts: Today, think about the Law of Attraction which states, "Whatever we think about, we bring about." We often focus on our problems and what is not working in our lives. This thought process only brings more of those things - which is not what we want. You have the power to change your thoughts and take control of your destiny! Today, make a commitment to yourself that you are not going to complain. Start the process, and say to yourself several times..."I focus on the positive." This is where it all begins.    

Action: Today's action is to clear your space and make room for your dreams. Choose a space that is important to you, it could be your office, your car, your bedroom, or a meditation area. Clear your space of clutter and clean and brighten it up. Only allow things that bring you joy in this space. Complete this project today and if you need more time, work on in over the next week to make this space open, joyful and ready to receive. You deserve a space that makes you happy.  

The power of intention is the power of love and receptivity.  It asks nothing of anyone, it judges no one, and it encourages others to be free to be themselves." ~ Wayne Dyer

If you're ready to achieve the ultimate level of success, I invite you to subscribe to JoyfulAgent today at It's also a great gift idea.

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Monica Bourgeau
Portland, OR
Authentic Marketing for Heart-Led Agents
Good information, thank you for sharing it.
Feb 01, 2008 12:42 PM