I Can't Believe This Happened To Me!
When I received this email saying: "Linda, Congratulations! You're one of the top 5% most connected LinkedIn Members worldwide" I was shocked! I feel very honored but I can't believe it happened to me.
Just recently hitting the 300K mark here on ActiveRain I was pleased as punch at that achievement... now this and I feel on top of the moon! LOL!
This might seem small to others but it's really huge to me. So far this year my business has been booming. I've been in business for 7 years now and the month of January is usually a very slow month for me but this January I had an unusual amount of business. I am very thankful and appreciate all that I have been given.
If you have recently achieved one or more business or personal goals, achievement's or honors please share them with me. I would like to cheer you on and wish you continued success!
Golden Gate Bridge ~ San Francisco, CA
Can Potential Buyers see themselves living in your Home?
You never get a second chance... to make a Great First Impression!
Linda D. Pufford, ASPM
With Divine Style
Real Estate/Home Staging ~ Interior Redesign ~ Professional Color Consulting
Serving the greater San Francisco Bay Area