
What Does Green Mean? Welcome to the world of Green! Alive, refreshing, and healthy living are the thoughts that come to mind when I ponder the meaning of green!

Real Estate Agent with John L. Scott Real Estate

What Does Green Mean?

It is said there is nobody converted like the newly converted and that would describe me. In my recent certification as an EcoBroker and Earth Advantage STAR I have learned a tremendous amount about the changes in how we use our resources to improve our lives. The awareness is increasing and changes are taking place across the United States and around the world.

Some key trigger words you will hear in the Go Green movement are: Energy efficiency, energy savings, renewable energy and Energy Star Certified

 And Earth Advantage Homes and USGBC LEED Certification.

 You will read and hear about alternative fuels, renewable resources, and recycling, recyclable materials.

There will be phrases such as Energy Trust of Oregon with its' energy tax incentives, energy tax credits, energy rebates, energy efficient mortgages, Green mortgages and Green housing.


Indoor air quality, low VOC paint, Recycled carpet, bamboo flooring, low formaldehyde glues, air filtration systems, hybrid heating and air conditioning, and  energy efficient appliances.

                And the list goes on......

 In the Green Building movement it is clear we have better built and constructed homes that are energy efficient, healthier to live in and hold more value as a result. The green builder or remodeling contractor and their client are paying closer attention to building materials that are made from recycled sources. This takes pressure off of resources.

Attention is paid to windows, doors, lighting, and insulation types, appliances of all kinds and the HVAC system and its duct work. All of these materials are available in Energy Star Rated standards or better. Energy Star is the Department of Energy's guidelines and standards that exceed building codes by 15% or more. All of this takes pressure off of the grid. The Grid meaning our typical energy source-. The power and gas companies.

Alternative Energy or renewable energy includes, solar and wind power, geothermal heating and cooling. Solar hot water heaters, photovoltaic solar systems all take pressure off of the grid and make the home more self sufficient. Our technology affords high quality and efficient hardware to run our homes and there is a pay back time. That's right! All of the appliances, heating and cooling - the whole house as a system has a longer life span then a conventionally built home and has a pay back time! When comparing a conventionally built to code home to an energy efficient home there is a time when the better built home pays for its self. Then at that point the home begins to make or save you money. That is sustainability!

There is that other word that seems to get thrown in the mix when "Go Green" comes up. Sustainable!

Was the house built with energy efficiency in mind? Was it built with environmentally friendly products...low volatile organic compounds and recycled materials, is it self sufficient if the power grid shuts down? If so, it is more sustainable then a conventionally built house.

Entire housing developments are being built with green sustainable features and techniques in other parts our country. Salem Oregon has a housing development started with all high performance, energy efficient homes, the streets are laid out for the homes to catch the most sun for solar ready applications a rain water catch system for the orchards and parks and on and on.

The future is bright and exciting for the Green building movement in America! To see an example of a green built home and all of its energy saving features you may visit my web site at the There you can learn more about green building and sites associated with it. Or you may visit my Documentary on Green Building

This is Don McCoy, EcoBroker Certified® and EarthAdvantage identify the Green Features and benefits for Builders and Buyers of better built, healthier and self sufficient homes.  Let's Build green, Buy green and Save green!


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