All of our listeners know when we have a guest they are among the elite of Social Media marketing. Names like Laura Fitton, Danny Browne, Erika Napoletano, Beth Kantner, Guy Kawasaki, Shel Israel, and Chris Brogan to name but a few. This Tuesday, February 26th at 9AM Pacific/Noon Eastern is absolutely no exception as we welcome Danielle Smith to the show.
Here's the coolest part - you can join our regular listeners and Active Rainers in the chat room live during the show which gives it an entirely new dimension! To go directly to the chat room just visit
I also want to publicly thank Mike Mueller for his continued efforts with our Facebook page and our Wall of Fame (on the Facebook page) containing thumbnails of almost all our past guests!
Join us live if you can and if not you are always welcome to be part of the 5,000 plus weekly listeners through our free iTunes editions.
We'll also be discussing Site Visibility as in can your site be viewed even after it is found? I'm sure Jeremey Blanton will be happy to talk a bit about responsive themes for your Wordpress installation and we will also discuss mobile functionality. If your site and online efforts are not mobile ready you're actually already behind the curve.
As always Lisa Oden will give us that "lady on the street" view as our resident active real estate agent, mom and Internet enthusiast.
You can follow all of the hosts on Twitter:
Ken Cook @thekencook
Mike Mueller @MikeMueller
Jeremy Blanton @JB140
Lisa Oden @LAOden