
What are home prices doing in Coon Rapids MN

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Classic Realty 20538434

What are home prices doing in Coon Rapids MN

Real estate sales market data in Coon Rapids MN by Joel Friday of Keller Williams Classic Realty

Are home values rising yet in Coon Rapids MN 55448?

What is my home worth in Coon Rapids MN?

What is my home worth in Coon Rapids MN ?

Latest trends in Coon Rapids MN


Coon Rapids homes for sale by Keller Williams Classic
Under 100,000
100,000 - 150,000
150,000 - 200,000
200,000 - 250,000
250,000 - 300,000
300,000 - 400,000
400,000 - 500,000
500,000 +

What are the schools like in Coon Rapids MN 55448?
Great restaurants in Coon Rapids MN 55448?

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Mark Loewenberg
KW of the Palm Beaches - Palm Beach Gardens, FL
KW 561-214-0370

great info to share with your clients and prospects throughout your market area!

Feb 25, 2013 10:11 AM