
Meditation Classes in Burlington, Ontario.

Industry Observer

Meditation Classes in Burlington, Ontario.

Many years ago, when I was quite young and still in grade school, I used to spend a lot of time gazing out the tall classroom windows. With my teacher’s voice somewhere in the distant background and my brain in daydream mode, time seemed to fly by.

Although it often got me into trouble with my teachers, daydreaming was one of my favourite things to do. I always came out of a daydream feeling refreshed and happy and more alert than ever.

Over the years, amidst raising children, working on a career, and just general living day to day, I seemed to lose my ability to daydream.  My mind was always such a flurry of worries and thoughts that it seemed quieting it down long enough to let it go blank in the middle of the day was one of the skills that fell under the ‘use it or lose it’ category. I, for one, had lost it.

When Clayton and Shanine began to take Meditation Teacher Training, I did some
research into meditation and was intrigued to learn that the regular practice of meditation actually alters the brain in a very positive way.
The benefits of meditation not only fell within the realm of increased mental health.; they extended much deeper into the scope of increased physical health and disease reduction.Meditation Classes in Burlington Ontario

With so many healthful benefits, I decided that once Chrysalis Yoga Studio opened, I would begin to take meditation classes regularly.

Clayton teaches a meditation class at Chrysalis Yoga Studio in Burlington every Wednesday at 5:15.

It was after my second class, feeling refreshed and stress-free, that it occurred to me I hadn’t daydreamed in many years and meditation seemed to feel strangely familiar to my state of mind.

During the subsequent week, when taking a break from a busy day, I would try to daydream. I seemed to have lost the ability and quietly thought to myself that perhaps learning to meditate would bring that ability back to me. I knew that research had shown daydreaming, which enables the  brain to enter the Alpha Wave zone,  to be very good for enhancing creativity and problem solving skills.  Researching a bit further, I learned that light meditation also causes the brain to show Alpha Wave activity.
Perhaps I’d hit upon the key to re-teaching myself to daydream!

After my 4th meditation class with Clayton, I felt particularly clear-headed and rested.  The myriad of thoughts and worries that often raced around my brain were non-existent and I felt a sense of freedom and lightness.
That afternoon, as I sat taking a moment’s rest from the work I had been doing, I turned my gaze and looked at the top branches of a distant tree. A flock of birds had congregated on the most distal tips of the branches. As I sat watching them, I felt a sense of elation as  my brain transitioned into the old familiar daydream state; a state of blissfulness, rest and lightness.  Coming out of of daydreaming state, I thought of Clayton and that day’s meditation class.
I felt a deep sense of gratitude to Clayton. His meditation classes and his talent for teaching meditation were beginning to take effect on my brain waves and, as a new sense of calm overtook me, I began to imagine the possibilities that meditation holds for enhancing all areas of a person’s life.

If you’re wondering about meditation classes in Burlington, drop by to Chrysalis Yoga Studio on Walker’s Line and Palladium (just north of Dundas) at 5:15pm on Wednesday’s for a meditation class with Clayton Smith. You’ll be glad you did.

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Nick T Pappas
Assoc. Broker ABR, CRS, SFR, e-Pro, @Homes Realty Group, Broker/Providence Property Mgmnt, LLC Huntsville AL - Huntsville, AL
Madison & Huntsville Alabama Real Estate Resource

Jo Ann, when I was heavy into the martial arts I was also taught meditation techniques...I also found meditation to be very calming, refreshing removing the weight of all that mental baggage that tends to pile up over time.  I still practice, but not as regularly as I should.

Feb 28, 2013 03:22 AM
Patricia Feager, ABR,CRS,GRI,MRP
Selling Homes Changing Lives


If I didn't know myself any better, I'd say you were the author of my life story! We have so much in common! I like dreaming too and there just doesn't seem to be enough time when you're so busy doing everything else. But you're right, mediation does put you in a better frame of mind.

Dream on Jo-Anne!!!

Feb 28, 2013 04:31 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON


Hiking and walking certainly is a meditative practice. I'm glad you're able to find the time to get out at the end of the day and do something that calms and regenerates you.


Feb 28, 2013 09:33 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON


Did you find taking Martial Arts and Meditation helped you to learn focusing skills that enable you to be a better business person?


Feb 28, 2013 09:42 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON


They've shown that daydreaming helps your mind to be more creative and functional. Nice to make the acquaintance of a fellow dreamer!!


Feb 28, 2013 09:44 AM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

Hey Jo,

I love meditation, I appreciate the stillness more then ever.  These days things always seem to be moving at a faster pace (which it is because the earth is spinning at a faster rate).  so with that said, meditation is a great tool all can use to "ground" one's self, regain connection with source and higher self. 

Feb 28, 2013 10:15 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Laura,

I`m so glad to hear you`re enjoying meditation. I do notice things moving so fast these days....I thought I was imagining it or it had to do with getting older. Taking time to slow down and notice the beauty that surrounds us is so important and sure does work to keep us grounded, you`re so right (and very wise). :)


Feb 28, 2013 10:54 AM
Berni Kerr
Retired - Mortgage Professional. - Port Dover, ON
Retired AMP Mortgage Agent - Port Dover ON

Jo   Funny you bring up "meditation" now.  This is something I wrote down to try this year.  I've signed up for OPRAH's 21 day Meditation Challenge, and hope to learn and experience a few new things. I wish the studio was closer to Port Dover...of well I'll have to quiet the mind where I am!

Have a great Wknd :)

Mar 01, 2013 08:58 AM
Dagny Eason
Dagny's Real Estate - Wilton, CT
Fairfield County CT, CDPE Homes For Sale and Condo

Jo-   Meditation is something that my acupuncture sister raves about, but I have never really tried.   You have made it sound like something we all should do try this wee.   

Mar 01, 2013 10:13 AM
Marcia Hawken
Naples Luxury Specialist


It is so easy to not have time for meditation but that time spent daydreaming or in my case walking to the beach at Pelican Bay and then just spending time staring at the Gulf of Mexico is magic.  I feel a bit sorry for children today because the have way to much occupying their minds...rather than clearing it for ideas to flow in.  True for adluts as well!!! Sorry I missed you on your trip to Naples.

Mar 04, 2013 08:31 AM
Bill Cherry, Realtor - Dallas, TX
Broker & Wealth Coach


I'm glad it's working for you.  I did Yoga for years when I was much younger and I believe I got the same benefits out of it.  I've wanted to resume it here in Dallas, but I've not found anyone who focuses on the meditation of it.


Mar 06, 2013 01:08 PM
Karen Kruschka
RE/MAX Executives - Woodbridge, VA
- "My Experience Isn't Expensive - It's PRICELESS"

Jo-Anne  I have never tried meditation, but yoga does wonders for me

Mar 08, 2013 05:46 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Berni,

Thank you for stopping by! I've also signed up for Deepak and Oprah's 21 Day Meditation Program, however finding the time to do it every day is proving to be challenging.
I wish Port Dover were closer too...I know you would love Clayton's classes.


Mar 21, 2013 10:31 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON


It works wonders for so many things....I alway come out of class feeling more clear-headed and focused and with fewer worries.


Mar 21, 2013 10:32 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Marcia,

I love walking on the Naples's one of my favourite things in the world to do and it certainly does work wonders on the body and soul.

Looking forward to meeting up with you next time we're down,


Mar 21, 2013 10:34 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON


You used to do yoga? Somehow I'm not surprised....

I wish for you that there was a good Meditation teacher in Dallas. Maybe Clayton can start doing guest classes at some studios down there.


Mar 21, 2013 10:36 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON


I always smile when I hear of another friend who does's so good for the mind, body and soul.


Mar 21, 2013 10:37 AM
Jane Chaulklin-Schott
TEAMCONNECT REALTY - (407) 394-9766 - Orlando, FL
TeamConnect Luxury Homes - Orlando, Florida, 32836

So often in grade school, I would look out the window and daydream and then go home and teach myself what I should have been learning in class. As I was a straight 'A' grade school student, I paid a price for my stolen moments.  Daydreaming and later meditation - I have found - are just excellent for recharging the physical, mental and spiritual batteries.

May 22, 2013 03:12 PM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

It's really amazing how our bodies and minds connect and we can actually steer things in the ways we want just by simple postures and breathing, clearing the mind, etc.  It's something we should all pay attention to, and practice.  Nice photo with his head framed in the light of the doorway!

Jul 21, 2013 10:04 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

This should be an excellent class for area residents. Thanks for sharing this information.

Mar 03, 2015 12:43 AM