Good Afternoon Mary, pleased to make your acquaintance!
I would recommend you let your fingers do the walking/clicking through my AR blogs as a jump off point. Then how about visiting my website and learning a little more about me. If you would like additional information feel free to contact me, and maybe we can be mutually beneficial to each other in the future?
Till then, I wish you great success with your new venture, I know! It's anexciting time!
Good luck with going out on your own i hope it treats you well. I would like to offer you to have a look at my website Colorado Real Estate and find out more about me and if you feel comfortable with what you see i would love to be one of your referral contacts here in the Pikes Peak Colorado Area.
You know this may work out great for both of us because a lot of people from Texas as you may well already know like Colorado very much and either move here or buy a second home here.
Have a great day and i hope to hear from you soon.