Real Estate Marketing in Bergen County has changed a lot of over the last few years. The days of just submitting your new listing to the MLS, and sitting back and waiting for buyers to call you are long gone. With websites such as Zillow and Trulia actually advertising your listing with different Real Estate Agents, you need to have a system in place to capture the buyer leads and really stand out online. Real Estate Marketing in Bergen County now needs to be tied into Social Media as well. And if you want to generate buyer leads you need to be found of the first page of google or you can just forget it.
There is a system in place that will do just that but so much more. Your listings will not only have a Virtual Tour, it's own property website, it's own mobile website, as well as every Social Media add on to get not only your listings but YOU in front of buyers when they are serious about looking for a home to buy. So when you include all of this and also get yourself and listings on the first page google, you will be known as the expert when it comes to Real Estate Marketing in Bergen County. We also show you all of your listihow to use Youtube to generate buyer leads.
Imagine this for your next listing appointment. What if you walked in the seller's house and already had their home on the first page of google? Do you think they are going to list with you are the other 5 agents who promised them all of things they will do for them. You will walk in the door and actually show them what you already did for them!
That is called our Results in Advance Listing Presentation. Ready to find out how to get become the best at Real Estate Marketing in Bergen County? Call me today so we can set up a 15 minute demonstration. This complete system is only available to our exclusive referral partners. So let's find out if we are a good fit for each other, and how you can take your real estate business to a new lever this year! Real Estate Marketing in Bergen County has never been so easy and so much fun!
Sean McKeown
3rd Generation Home Loans
Branch Manager
NMLS #199874
277 Fairfield Road
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004