
Get Healthy in the Rain - Update

Home Stager with Stage with Divine Style - Home Staging

Get Healthy in the Rain - Update

One month into the challenge and I'm feeling better already.  I must admit I haven't been perfect but I haven't given up either.  My goal above anything else was to feel better and I am still on track with that! 

Here is a recap of my goals and the progress I've made over the last month.

  • Cut out Caffeine ~ This one was really tough for me.  I've had a cup of coffee every morning for so long I can't remember not having it.  This month I only had 4 cups of coffee!  Now that is progress for me.
  • Reduce the amount of Sugar I consume ~ Since I've never drank plain coffee before just by cutting out that morning coffee I am already ahead of the game when it comes to sugar.  One of the ways I helped myself with this goal was to not buy any sweets or items with high amounts of sugar when I went grocery shopping.  If it's not in the house (especially late at night) I won't be eating it. I did break down once though when I was walking out the door at the grocery store and a very sweet little girl asked me if I wanted to buy a box of girl scout cookies!  I was weak I know but I couldn't resist her sweet smile!
  • A more steady Exercise Program ~ This one I didn't do to well with.  I got so busy this last month that I just didn't have time to start up a regular routine.  This is definitely something I will work on this next month. 
  • Eating more Healthy ~ I started eating a salad with salmon every night for dinner and now I really look forward to it.  I am also drinking at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water everyday...  sometimes more.  It's amazing how much it fills you up.

I can't wait to share next month... I know it will be even better than this month has been!

I'm looking forward to a brighter future!


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"You never get a second chance...  to make a Great First Impression!"

Linda D. Pufford, ASPM

With Divine Style

Real Estate/Home Staging ~ Interior Redesign ~ Professional Color Consulting


Serving the great San Francisco Bay Area




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Sally Weatherley
Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C

Linda - Sounds like you're making great progress. Ok, I'm giving you a free pass on the Girl Guide cookies!  Come on.  Who can resist?!!  Great reminder.  I must drink more water.  I'm not sure I can cut out coffee all together.  I use Stevia to replace the sugar in my coffee.  You go girl!

Mar 05, 2013 12:52 AM
Anna Dovger
Add Value Home Staging LLC, 281-704-6607 - The Woodlands, TX
Home Staging -The Woodlands, TX

Linda, I am so proud of you!!!I had the same problem with girls scouts cookies.  I think I got little less healthier and I guess I messed second dead line. However I'll try harder next week. 

Mar 09, 2013 10:55 AM
JoAnn Moore
The Mortgage Market of Delaware - Georgetown, DE
Home Loans in Delaware

Hi Linda, Sounds like you are doing most of the things you set out for yourself for this challenge. Drinking lots of water is great and buying the box of Girl Scout cookies wasn't that bad of a thing. Having them in moderation is fine. The salad with salmon each evening is a super great thing to be doing. The Omega 3 in the salmon is wonderful for you. So, it's just exercise on a regular basis that you are missing. Now that spring is almost here, you'll be out walking and enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Keep up the good work. you are doing great.  

Mar 12, 2013 12:00 PM
Rebecca Gaujot, Realtor®
Lewisburg, WV
Lewisburg WV, the go to agent for all real estate

Linda, I love the Girl Scout cookies, but will not buy husband and I will eat an entire box in one evening.  I use to buy them and freeze them..but alas now I WILL NOT buy them...okay now I want a cookie :)

Mar 19, 2013 10:00 AM
Toni Weidman
Sailwinds Realty - Trinity, FL
20+ Years Selling Homes in New Port Richey, FL

Hi Linda - didn't know you were back. We've missed you. Sounds like you're doing great.

Mar 20, 2013 04:01 AM