Baldwinsville, NY Demographics
If you are considering a move to Baldwinsville, NY, or you live there already and you just want to know some facts, you can find a lot of interesting information at Here are some highlights:
In 2011 the population was 7,380, which is a 4.6% increase over the population in 2000.
The Median age of Baldwinsville residents is 41.4 years-slightly lower than NY State's median age of 42.4 years.
Median home value in 2009 was $120,934. In 2000, the median home value was $83,300.
Median gross rent in 2009 was $659.
Baldwinsville's population is primarily white: 94.8% of the population is white alone. Hispanics make up a mere 1.8% of the population, followed by 1.2% who identify with two or more races, 0.9% Asian, 0.8% Black, 0.5% American Indian, and 0.01% other race.
Baldwinsville's cost of living index for March 2012 was 104.0. The U.S. average is 100.
The most recent information shows that 88.3% of Baldwinsville residents over the age of 25 have a High School degree or higher, 29.1% have a Bachelor's Degree or higher, and 11.2% have a Graduate or Professional Degree. Baldwinsville's unemployed residents make up 3.8% of the population.
The 2010 Census found that married couples made up half the households in Baldwinsville, and approximately one third of Baldwinsville households have children under the age of 18.
For more information about the Village of Baldwinsville, visit the village's website, or better yet come for a visit!
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