

Real Estate Agent with VISION REALTY WINDSOR INC. Brokerage

I can't believe it...I just finished reading a post by someone who said they wrote an entire post...loved it ... tried to ad a picture and poof all their work was gone. To be found nowhere!

She suggested writing your post in word so if a glich happens you haven't lost all your work. Interesting....Made mental note to self....write blogs in word first!

Then I got a great idea for a post. It was passionate, everything I wanted to say and just wanted everyone to read...

Did I write it in word first??? No of course not.... It was gonna be short so why bother...Right? Well it ended up being quite long...About a half hr of my time this morning and what do you think happened when I went to post it.....


Mental note to self....Pay attention to your mental notes to self or you are going to go mental.!!LOL

Enjoy your day!!!

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Kirk Williams
Private Venture Capital - Everett, WA
Happens to me also!
Feb 04, 2008 01:08 AM
Rich Jacobson
Fathom Realty West Sound - Poulsbo, WA
Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker
I usually save my blog in 'Draft' mode as I'm going along....
Feb 04, 2008 01:22 AM
Lu Kalaj
Vision Realty Centers - Brighton Township, MI
I try to stay short and simple as much as possible. That way if I do loose something, there isn't too much writing involved.  Just remember, when something like that happens, it usually means you should wait and do it at a later date.  Everything happens for a reason.  Hope your having a great start to 2008.  Lu
Feb 04, 2008 01:37 AM
Jesse Clifton
Jesse Clifton & Associates - Fairbanks, AK
It happens quite a bit... I'm in the habit now of copying and pasting the entire thing into notepad (my posts are in html).... the times I forget or just skip it is exactly when it has a hiccup and deletes the entire post. 
Feb 07, 2008 08:07 PM
Virginia Hepp - Mesquite NV REALTOR
Desert Gold Realty - Mesquite NV Homes For Sale - Mesquite, NV
Mesquite NV Homes and Neighborhoods - Search MLS
I usually start a post by writing it in Works, then paste to the new blog.  I then "post as draft" to save it, come back and finish, add photos, etc.  Use the "post as draft" as a save button.
Feb 24, 2008 10:46 AM