
Boston magazine Announced Needham Named "Best Place to Live"

Real Estate Agent with Realty Executives Boston West 113011

Boston magazine Announced Needham Names "Best Place to Live"

Thank you to the Home Town Weekly for sharing this.  We have 2 newspapers in Needham and this one has done a great job getting this terrific news out to us.  You can like the page on Facebook.

Needham is a great town.  My husband has been here since he was 2 and I came when I was 17.  We are a real estate family.  His mom was a realtor and then I came along, then my brother-in-law and his wife, and then my sister-in-law.  Needham has always been a draw for as long as I can remember.

The town has so much to offer including the schools, being close to Boston and airport, the community spirit and all adds to why people want to live here.

For me it is fun to be a real estate agent in this town.  Even we the down turn in real estate Needham has held it's own and look at the increase., one year change 3.5%+

At the moment we are really in need of more properties to come to market because we have many buyers waiting to buy in all price ranges but we don't have enough inventory to put these buyers in homes.  So we need homes to come on the market like right NOW.

“Boston Magazine” has announced that, in its upcoming March issue, Needham will be named the “Best Place to Live” in Massachusetts. The town received the honor based on its emerging retail scene, home prices, services, and amenities.

The full story in “Boston Magazine” reads:

“Needham: Great schools, low taxes, and a thriving retail scene—we’ll drink to that. Median home price: $670,000 One-year change: +3.2%

Last year’s inaugural season of the Great Hall Concert Series—a revolving salon of local and international musicians, performers, and artists lighting up the renovated town hall—only strengthened Needham’s emerging reputation for cultural refinement. 

Dwellers here also enjoy the many restaurants in Needham center, as well as a recovering retail scene that took a hit when Dedham’s Legacy Place mall debuted in 2009. And don’t forget the liquor stores that will begin opening up after residents voted overwhelmingly last year to ditch Needham’s age-old designation as a dry town. 

Steady business and industry revenues keep property taxes shockingly low for a suburb that every year sits near the top of this magazine’s school rankings. And for those who may be caring for another type of dependent, an $8 million senior center is scheduled to start welcoming guests this fall, offering movie nights and computer and fitness classes.” — Hometown Weekly Staff