For those of us who always feel a little creeped out when it’s pitch black outside long before we head home (even when work ends early), it’s worth losing an hour’s sleep in order to nudge the sunset back a little.
They say Benjamin Franklin thought the idea up, and I don’t doubt it. Anyone who, like Ben in his Poor Richard days, scribbles away the daylight hours in cramped little rooms with only a dictionary or two for companionship, applaud messing with the clock if it means we won’t have completely wasted what little daylight there is.
Just when it seems as if the long winter won’t ever peter out — voila! — the TV, radio, and bloggers all chime in to remind us it’s time to spring forward.
I’m glad it happens on the most appropriate day of the week, Sun Day: it’s only fitting for an institution like Staylight Davings Time.
Strange, though, how almost everybody mispronounces it.
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Mitch Claymore is the Editor of RealtyPLR, leading ghostblogging service for real estate and mortgage professionals too busy to blog as often as they’d like.