
Know What Gets Me About Real Estate Listings?

Real Estate Agent with Yes Homes Realty, Ltd.

It really gripes me, and my clients too, when listing agents do not include pictures with their seller's listings.  I can't understand why this is done.  With the affordability of digital cameras, why are listing agents unable to take at least initial pictures until more professional shots can be obtained?  Many of my clients refuse to even consider looking at listings that don't include pictures, or if they only include a single picture of the outside of a property.  They feel that "people who have nothing to hide, hide nothing", and if there are no pictures included with the listing, there must be something to hide.  So, they won't even request a viewing.

I got into the habit of carrying a digital camera in my purse wherever I go after i was in a car accident, and the other party was successful at saying that there were parties other than the driver in the other car.  Had I had my camera on hand, I would have taken pictures with the time and date stamp on that would have clearly shown that there were no other parties involved in the accident.

Because I always have a digital camera on my person now, there's no reason why I can't take pictures to include with a seller's listing.  And, I'm keeping myself safe in the event of an accident or other catastrophy.

A word to the wise Listing Agent - you may be limiting exposure of your property to potential buyers because of omitting pictures of the property.  Buyers are visual creatures, and initial views of the property rank second only to selling price when it comes to what gets a buyer to look more closely at a property. 



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Patricia Aulson
Realtor - Portsmouth NH Homes-Hampton NH Homes

So true.....I think it's very unprofessional and lazy not to include photos of the house when listing.Mybe they should be fined for not having pics.


Patricia Aulson, Realtor     Hampton NH Real Estate 

Feb 04, 2008 09:28 AM
Paula Smith
RealtyPath St. George - Saint George, UT
Paula Smith Associate Broker RealtyPath St George
I agree!!  I think they just do not realize how much of an impact it has to leave the pictures off the listing.  Sad for the sellers, they potentially lose deals.
Feb 04, 2008 09:39 AM
Brian Luce
HomeStarr Realty Inc. - New Hope, PA
Associate Broker


One MLS we use allows us to post up to 12 pics, a sellers disclosure and various other documents (like inspection reports, other receipts etc). A MLS in another area that we serve is pretty much the same but  also allows pdf's of property flyers, and various other items. 

Only certain items "get sent" when an agent e-mails the listings to a client but the bottom line is: The more complete your listing and the more pics, the better. At least in our minds.


Feb 04, 2008 09:42 AM
Karen Webster...Grand Rapids, MI Realtor
5 Star Real Estate, Grand Rapids MI - Grand Rapids, MI
I agree.  What I can't figure out is, why are these lazy people still in business?
Feb 04, 2008 09:49 AM
Chris Pollinger
Berman & Pollinger, LLC. - San Diego, CA
Consulting for Luxury Teams and Brokerages
They are lazy - nothing more.  Unfortunately we are in an industry where laziness abounds.  Keep holding a higher standard and they will be out of business soon.
Feb 04, 2008 10:23 AM
Monique Perello

Thanks for your concurrence.  I was beginning to think that it was just me being "touchy" about this situation.  Frankly, I feel that until the MLS systems fine agents for not including pictures, there will continue to be those lazy listing agents out there that are not complying with ethics rules to consider the full and best interests of their clients.  I know that sometimes sellers can be a bit impatient with listing agents to get the listing posted, but again, if agents carry digital cameras with them at all times (and they have now been made affordable, technologically superior and compact enough that it is possible for every agent to have one), they can get the photos and post to the listings right away.

 I think that the MLS's should impose a deadline, say one week of the listing date.  If photos are not included by then, there should be an automatic fine.  What do you think -- $500 stiff enough penalty??  I don't mean to be a meanie, but I think everybody loses when this primary marketing technique is not exercised -- sellers, buyers and buyers agents, as well as listing agents (they don't even know that they are cutting themselves short!!).

Feb 04, 2008 03:01 PM