
Content, Are You a Creator or a Consumer

Education & Training with Glasswork Media Arts

Tips for Both…

As with most things there are two sides to every coin, social media and the platforms that

Image representing Google Alerts as depicted i...

Image via CrunchBaseContent Alerts

surround it are no different. In the social space there to two kinds of people when it comes to contentconsumers and creators. Most often the usual arrangement consists of social media professionals on behalf of themselves or on behalf of a client creating content for the consumer. It is always a challenge for those that create to find the content that the consumer is looking for, hence the “listening” and strategy sessions so commonly talked and written about in the social space by social media professionals.


You never know what is going to fly…

I can tell you from personal experience that you never really know what content is going to hit home, what content is going to hit a nerve with that ever so precious target audience. Many a time you find something that you believe is awesome and put it out there for the consumer and nothing….crickets. Then when under the gun, and scrambling to get some content up, you put out something that you feel is clearly not your best work, and whammo….it goes crazy with attention. Many of my fellow social media friends will attest to this I am sure….

Does the consumer know how much work it is to get great relevant content, does the consumer even care? Finding consistently good content takes work, great tools, and patience. It takes time and analytics to understand what your audience is looking for, in the beginning it really is something like putting something up on the wall and seeing what sticks. Of course in a much more precise manner, with a plan for what you think that audience is looking for, but again, you don’t really know for sure. Many times you just have to play it by ear, and go with the trial and error method.


Tips for Creators:

So how, once you know what you want to use to fill the that precious status space where do you get it, well here are some tips.

Pictures: Nothing can grab someone’s attention immediately better than a great photo.  Best advice, take your own photos if possible. You don’t have to be a perfect photographer, but if you feel you need some improvement utilize any number of options to improve. Books, magazines, local colleges, local photographers, there are so many options available, you just have to get out that comfort zone and ask for help.  I use a high pixel Samsung with wide angle abilities, those pics need to be downloaded so when attending a live event I always have my trusty Galaxy Note Smart phone to take pics for immediate uploading.  I like to use teleportme to add 360 degree photos, it is different and always get’s peoples attention.

Videos: Please keep this in mind. You don’t need to be Francis Ford Coppola. I use a

Image representing Bambuser as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase Content Video

Kodak Play Touch, and am happy with the results. I use Windows Movie Maker to edit and add little extras. Works just fine.  I also love using Animoto, it is really getting things together and giving us social media folk an awesome tool to create with. I have been with Animoto from the beginning and love where they have taken it. You can also utilize Bambuser or Ustream for live video sharing. I am currently using drones to get aerial videos of events, it is different.

Articles: Okay, there are soooo many resources to find quality content.

Google Alerts: set up an alert to trigger utilizing keywords or phrases.

IFTTT: You can set up just anything in the known universe with this tool.

Flipboard/Zite: I use these from my smartphone all the time. Use it in connection with Hootsuite and you can send relevant content while on the run. Thanks to my buddy Anne Reuss for turning me onto these.

Stumbleupon/Digg: these content curating sites open up a whole world of content possibilities. get creative with your content sharing with Scoopit. Great site and oh so easy to navigate.

Bottom line is don’t be afraid to experiment with new things, if it doesn’t work perfectly the first time, give it a few more chances. When my wife and I go out I am usually towing along a complete array of electronic gadgets to get as much content recording of the event as I can.


Tips for Consumers:

The most important thing  a consumer can do in relation to content is, if you like the content, share it, comment on it, like it, let the creator know you appreciate their work. It is a nice thing to do. Besides it helps the creator better understand what people want to see, and hear whatever the case may be.

So that do you creators utilize to get your word out, what creative ways do you use to increase awareness, connection?

Joe Kerouac
Madison, NJ
Real estate agent and writer

Hi Gerry,


At this point, I simply do not have oodles of blog content written.  Just started blogging in the past few months.  Much of that time has been spent "listening" and learning so that I do it as well as possible.  So I almost feel a little unqualified chiming in on "creator vs. consumer".  But it's funny your headline mentioned that.  It's what attracted me personally....talking about not knowing what will speak to your audience, I figure it's good to let you know what drew me in.  

I have a file that I look at first thing every morning that keeps me focused on what it is I need to do in a broad sense.  At the top of the sheet, the very first thing I wrote and read each morning is "create, don't consume content".


Loved this post!

Mar 14, 2013 11:54 PM
Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®
RE/MAX Platinum - Waukesha, WI
Giving Back With Each Home Sold!

Hi...Havent seen you in the rain much lately, glad to see you in the blog roll today and with a different look too!  TGIF and thanks for sharing!

Mar 15, 2013 12:03 AM
Liz Wallace
Century 21 Sherlock Homes - Rockville Centre, NY
Broker C21 Sherlock Homes, Rockville Centre, LI, N

You are the social media guru and I am just a toddler lagging way behind.  I usually create how I consume.  I think how would I search and what would catch my eye.  I need to do a lot more with pictures too.

Mar 15, 2013 01:18 AM
Malcolm Johnston
Century 21 Lanthorn Real Estate LTD., Trenton, Ontario - Trenton, ON
Trenton Real Estate

Hi studmuffin, the problem I'm finding with social media is that almost everybody creates content, and most of it is incredibly uninspiring and mediocre, it becomes a challenge not to turn it off and go back to bed. I sometimes feel that my brain has become inundated with trivialities.

Mar 15, 2013 01:58 AM
Gerry Michaels
Glasswork Media Arts - Gettysburg, PA
GettysburgGerry Social Meida

Joe, don't plan for too long, the biggest mistake new bloggers make is the don't start. You HAVE to jump in with both feet. 

Kristin, like a bad penny you can't get rid of me for too long LOL

Liz, just a social media astronaut exploring the social space....pic and vids, get those sites mobile optimized...

Malcolm, ahhh but you said the key in your comment, you have the power to decided what you view, and to turn it all off....


Thanks for stopping by all....

Mar 15, 2013 05:55 AM
Joe Kerouac
Madison, NJ
Real estate agent and writer

Gerry, point well made...point well taken.  Will be jumping in full force with the blogging.  

Mar 15, 2013 06:42 AM
Gerry Michaels
Glasswork Media Arts - Gettysburg, PA
GettysburgGerry Social Meida

Way to go Joe, let me know if I can be of help..

Mar 15, 2013 06:49 AM