Selling Your Home
As a substitute to working with an experienced real estate agent, you may consider selling your home yourself; however, if you choose this option, be prepared for a lot of work! It can and has been done. Naturally, if you don't have the time, the energy, or the patience to commit to it this option might not be for you. In addition, if you need to sell the property quickly, a real estate agent should best be contacted.
Most people do not have the time or the resources that a real estate agent may have, so it is best to use someone that is fully committed to selling your property, has access to a wide variety of resources and is focused on getting the highest price possible for the sale of your property. Please feel free to contact me.
What You Should Know About Your Property:
Get Familiar With Your Property:
You need to become familiar with such details about your property such as property taxes, zoning, lot size, square footage, etc. In addition, check the terms of your existing loan.
Research The Current Market And Property Restriction In Your Area:
How much has properties similar to yours sold for? What are that terms of the sales? What property disclosure restrictions do you need to take into consideration and/or required to disclosure to potential buyers. i.e. is your property in a Property Owner Association.
The Price:
Once you know the details about your home and have checked out what similar properties in your area have sold for, you then need to set a realistic price.
*** Continued on Selling Tips Part -2 ***