Fluvanna County Virginia Home Information Jan 2008
The Real Estate market everywhere is constantly changing and Fluvanna County Virginia is too.
- In Fluvanna we have SOLD 23 HOMES.
- There are currently 314 HOMES on the market.
- Our average DOM (Days on the Market) is at 83 Days.
- Our Average selling price is $313,066.
We have some excellent neighborhoods to see close to Nelson like:
Click Here for a link to other Great Neighborhoods in our area!
Please visit my website for details about our area and other homes on the market in Charlottesville, Albemarle County and the surrounding counties!
Nelson, Greene, Madison, Fluvanna, Orange and Louisa
Please look at our local phonebook for contact information on local companies.
Your agent in Charlottesville
Charles McDonald
Come visit and tour our area anytime!