
Spring Cleaning

Real Estate Agent with Fairfax Realty Greenbelt


It’s here, it’s here 


  Spring is here flowers are beginning to bloom, longer days of light. Yeah!Winter hibernation is over. Now it is that time to start Spring Cleaning.  Here are a few of my favorite Spring cleaning tips to get your home in tip top shape for this season.






First Impressions – Your Welcome mat, shake them, vacuum, sweep whatever you have to do to get those winter blues off and back.


Walls, Cabinets and baseboards


Although this is something most of us do occasionally already, now is a good time to give them a little extra kick. Dust, spots and handprints build up quickly around the walls and surface so try a damp cloth with soap and get to cleaning.


Cleaning Fixtures


Like most furniture and accessories, dust builds up around everything. Spring is the perfect time to get to some of those hard to reach areas that we may not get to regularly. Ceiling fans, top of refrigerator, cabinets, air conditioners, I also recommend the light fixtures and bulbs those tend to have lots of dust. Try it and you will be able to see things differently.




Well, let’s first start with a few quick tips to make our decluttering a little less hectic for next year. The biggest clutter that I have in my house is the mail, so let’s start by going a little green and stopping some or all of that junk mail and opting out for bill mailings. Oh, and try to shred those papers as they come in don’t let it pile up.


Just make sure that all like items are together, shoes are in one place, toys are in one place, (you get it).  To save time get a bucket or basket even a box and put things that go in one particular room in one bucket or basket or box and sort. This makes it much easy to carry things directly to their place. Get rid of clothes, shoes, toys anything you don’t use, call your local charities. Here is a few links for Prince George’s County…






Clean, wipe, dusk, vacuum all your upholstery, wash blinds and vacuums your drapes/curtains.


Everyday Cleaning


Don’t forget about the everyday cleaning part of spring cleaning. Mop, Sweep, polish floors, deep clean carpets and steps. If you have little ones like me you have little fingerprints everywhere don't forget to spray those handprints off of everything.



Replace Batteries



If you did not replace your smoke detectors, carbon Monoxide detectors during day light savings time you have another opportunity to take care of it. Prince George’s County is still offering the free test and replacement through your local fire department.


              Now I have saved my favorite for last


Creating / Change it up


I try to have different linen and bedding for different seasons and occasions, however this year I did go and update my kids room bedding to some soft spring colors. Change it up, turn it over or just display it differently, do something creative with the bedding you have. Fold the bedding in a triangle and place pillows differently use what you have to create a fresh new look.


Move or rearrange a piece of furniture or a piece of accessory to give a new dimension to your newly fresh home. Push the coach back a little bit and tilt to the side and wow what a difference.




Now, Sit back and enjoy your new space. It’s amazing how a refresh homes makes you feel.




                Happy Spring 


Posted by

   Carole Webb

"Selling Prince George's County"


10210 Greenbelt Road Suite 120

Greenbelt, Maryland 20706
