Members of the Alton Shores Association have access to association owned beaches on Sunset Lake and Hill's Pond. Seasonal water is provided to members and the association maintains many of the roads. They are an organization that relies on volunteerism and camaraderie, to the benefit of our community. There is an annual meeting where members have an opportunity to become involved in the association. There is an annual work party that involves one day of clean up followed by a dinner party. Summer family activities such as group hikes or association wide cookouts are encouraged. Most of all, Alton Shores is a place to relax and enjoy life.
As for practical matters, there is ‘911' emergency service access in the community. In winter, the town plows the main road through the association. The area's lakes and ponds offer swimming, fishing, boating and an opportunity to appreciate nature. Nesting loons attest to the purity of the water and moose and bear sightings verify the well being of the ecosystem in this region.
Finally, the people make Alton Shores a community. Whether at one of the beaches with the kids, in kayaks just after dawn, on mountain trails for the day or just on the back porch with neighbors, people make it great. There are many life-long friendships that began here during summer vacation. People seem more at ease among the camps and homes, the lakes and hills, the warm summer afternoons and frosty winter nights. Some say that they leave their worries on the other side of the mountain as they approach Alton Shores. Others claim that there's something about the clean air that comforts and relaxes them.