
``*~Idaho Real Estate School in Middleton``*~

Real Estate Agent with Silvercreek Realty Group SP26966

Before moving or buying home this is one of the most important factor to consider. Know nearby schools in your area. Put in your zip code on the image below to know nearby schools in Idaho Real Estate School in Middleton.



Nearby schools courtesy of Juniper Cooper, Keller Williams Boise. Idaho Real Estate School in Middleton.








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Juniper Cooper

Lead Listing Specialist and Team Leader

1065 S Allante Pl
Boise, ID 83709
Fax: 855-321-5585


If you are looking to SELL or BUY your dream home. Our team is what YOU are looking for.

We bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise about Buying and Selling Real Estate in Boise Area. Call us so you can get your home SOLD!


Buyers Hotline: 208-297-3444 and Sellers  Hotline: 208-321-5585