
Look Out for the Early Riders in Quinte

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 Lanthorn Real Estate LTD., Trenton, Ontario

It would seem that the weather is finally getting spring-like enough in the Quinte area for enthusiasts to break out their bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles. This is always a bit of a nerve-wracking time as drivers of cars aren't used to the presence of riders yet, and sometimes forget to check twice before changing lanes. The weather can also be a bit of a wild card, as it might be tempting to bring a bike to work only to find that it has snowed during an eight hour shift, and that the ride home won't be much fun.

Motorists of both the two and four wheel variety should take a bit of extra care this time of the year, after all, the life you save could very well be mine. I don't think it would be much fun lying in a cold puddle on the side of a road with some broken bones waiting for the ambulance to arrive. I'd rather be doing something else.



Norma Toering Broker for Palos Verdes and Beach Cities
Charlemagne International Properties - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Palos Verdes Luxury Homes in L.A.

Malcolm _ Nor do I want to read about you lying in a cold puddle with broken bones--I'd rather you be blogging so I can continue to enjoy your witty posts!

Mar 27, 2013 03:41 AM
Jon Kolsky
Kolsky Realty & Management - Long Beach, CA
Licensed California Real Estate Broker

Malcolm~ living in "sunny" SO CAL it's hard to imagine your coldness! But I agree, I like it when you're blogging, not cold... 8~)

Mar 27, 2013 03:52 AM
Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers
RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage - Brampton, ON
Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!
Excellent alert and observation Malcolm. We're with Norma!
Mar 27, 2013 12:30 PM
Carmela Jacobs
Carmela Realty - Westlake Village, CA
Ventura Co., Los Angeles Co., CA, & Global Realtor


In cold or warm weather the advice still applies, thanks for reminding us.


Mar 28, 2013 12:29 PM
Liz Hill

Hi Malcolm, it seems like spring has finally come to Barrie, we have lots of those cyclists too!

Mar 30, 2013 06:57 AM
Sally Weatherley
Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C

Malcolm - That would be a shock to ride to work in clear weather, only to find a heap of snow at the end of the day.  Best to wait until Spring is firmly ensconced in the East!  It's 18 degrees and sunny today... must get in the garden and tend to the crocuses... sorry, couldn't resist!

Mar 31, 2013 04:18 AM