OK so a few weeks ago I had to renew my license and do my continuing education, etc. Well now TREC is requiring that we all have our fingerprints taken. So if it isn't expensive enough to renew your license as it is...... here is another expense.
Anyways, it is a rather funny story how this fingerprinting event unraveled.
So here in Lubbock (I dont know about anywhere else), we have to go to the Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Center. So i drive up into the parking lot and notice where I am at and begin to wonder, I wonder what people will think if they were to just see me walking into this place??
LOL ANYWAYS...... Long story short I go inside and there are several other people sitting around waiting for whatever test they are there for and I think to myself and almost giggle a little. "I SERIOUSLY LOOK LIKE THE DRUG DEALER!!!!!" I mean here I am, dressed for work in a nice button down shirt, pin-stripe pants and a big jacket rollin up in my Mercedes Benz. I have to tell you that was the weirdest experience of my life.
So thank you TREC for these new requirements. I totally understand why they are put into place, but i felt totally awkward doing it.
P.S. Does anyone know why Active Rain will only let you post 10 items per week....... THATS STRANGE!!!!