
Fingerprints for renewing your license

Real Estate Agent with Cynthia Froid Grop

OK so a few weeks ago I had to renew my license and do my continuing education, etc.  Well now TREC is requiring that we all have our fingerprints taken.  So if it isn't expensive enough to renew your license as it is...... here is another expense. 

Anyways, it is a rather funny story how this fingerprinting event unraveled. 

So here in Lubbock (I dont know about anywhere else), we have to go to the Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Center.  So i drive up into the parking lot and notice where I am at and begin to wonder, I wonder what people will think if they were to just see me walking into this place?? 

LOL ANYWAYS...... Long story short I go inside and there are several other people sitting around waiting for whatever test they are there for and I think to myself and almost giggle a little.  "I SERIOUSLY LOOK LIKE THE DRUG DEALER!!!!!"  I mean here I am, dressed for work in a nice button down shirt, pin-stripe pants and a big jacket rollin up in my Mercedes Benz.  I have to tell you that was the weirdest experience of my life. 

So thank you TREC for these new requirements.  I totally understand why they are put into place, but i felt totally awkward doing it. 


P.S. Does anyone know why Active Rain will only let you post 10 items per week....... THATS STRANGE!!!! 

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Karen Monsour
Coldwell Banker Fort Lauderdale Beach - Fort Lauderdale, FL
REALTOR, SSRS - Sells FL Waterfront, Short Sale Expert!


In Florida, you cannot get a license here unless you will agree to the finger print ordeal...I almost had a stroke when I was finger printed in order to get a license here...I'm like, I only had 2 speeding tickets and I was not guilty in either of them...

As for the AR...cannot post more thean 10 items a week...I don't understand either...I think it's a points issue...if you need more info contact AR or send Bob Stewart an email...

Feb 05, 2008 02:21 PM
Tricia Jumonville
Bradfield Properties - Georgetown, TX
Texas REALTOR , Agent With Horse Sense

I got my fingerprints taken, but I seriously object to the legislature requiring this, in the United States, of all countries, and you can be sure I'm letting them know - both personally, and at the ballot box. 

There was an article in CNN this week that suddenly made sense of this requirement when I read it - sort of "the REST of the story". 

You can post more than ten items a week - you just don't get POINTS for more than ten items a week. Big difference. 



Feb 05, 2008 02:24 PM
Deb Short

wow! finger prints...i am sure that will be here in tennessee someday! always changing... and i agree it is weird only ten posts..i agree it is the point issue.

Feb 05, 2008 02:25 PM
Ryan Hukill - Edmond
The Agency Oklahoma | 405home - Edmond, OK
Realtor, Team Lead
You'll be showing up in the paper soon  :)
Feb 05, 2008 03:03 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Kyle and Karen:  As Tricia said you can post more than ten posts a week.  You can do ten a day if you wish.  You just cannot get points for more than the first ten in each week.  I think... in fact I am sure that this is an attempt to dissuade people from just cranking out a zillion posts a week... with very little substance to them, just to get the points.  Each post up to ten a week brings 200 points, each comment up to ten a day brings 25 points. 

Look at the "blog roll"... where all the new posts are listed.  Once in awhile you will see someone whose posts take up the whole page on the blog roll... just cranking them out anywhere from five to ten or more at once. 

Try reading them... all of them.  They are usually short blurbs either trying to sell something... some training thing or other.  A few will post many many scripture verses at a time.  That is fine... if it works for them... cool.  They can post all they want... they just get 200 points each for the first ten posts each week, and 25 points each for the first ten comments each day. 

This is probably a good way to do it.  It is not an easy thing to write and post more than ten quality posts worthy of being read by the general Active Rain readers.  I think ten comments a day, and ten posts a week... for points... is a nice "happy medium."  Kyle... I hope this helps.

By the way... this comment of mine is longer than many of the posts I mentioned.  But it is still only worth 25 points... and only if it is one of my first ten comments on that day.  Take care...

Kyle... another good way to check to measure the quality of someone's posts is by the number of comments each post inspires.  If the writer of the posts sees that their posts rarely get commented upon... that should tell them something.  The more interesting the post... the more comments it usually gets.  The more a post looks like it was simply written just to get the 200 points... the less likely it will be that anyone will make a comment.

By the way, Kyle... I looked at your points tally.  You have written 29 posts in a relatively short time, but during that same time you have only written four comments on other peoples posts.  If you want to develop a "following"... your activity should reflect a "give and take" attitude as far as making comments on other writer's posts.  Again... take care, and best of luck...

Feb 07, 2008 01:21 PM
Ken Koch
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage-Plano - Plano, TX
I have heard that the next time we renew our RE license we will have to give a DNA sample.
Mar 01, 2008 12:12 PM
Karen Monsour
Coldwell Banker Fort Lauderdale Beach - Fort Lauderdale, FL
REALTOR, SSRS - Sells FL Waterfront, Short Sale Expert!

Karen Anne,

 I know the rules, but thanks for the review.

You  posted a good point..reciprocation is important.

Good as always to see your input!  Karen M.

Mar 01, 2008 01:01 PM