As reported by no one, today Real Estate giant Zillow purchased Market Leader, one of the largest providers of software and marketing services to the real estate industry and it's subsidiary, the social networking site Activerain for a reported $1.92 and all the false leads we can handle.
In a surprise move, much of the senior staff at Activerain abdicated their positions and will be pursuing alternate career paths:
Nikesh Parekh has decided to use his considerable skills and "geekiness" to pursue Bill Gates challenge to design a better condom, one that "significantly preserves or enhances pleasure" and promotes "regular use."
Bob Stewart in a continued effort to insure all of mankind understands the merits of blogging, will be moving to the headwaters of the Amazon in Ecuador to teach the uncontacted peoples. Probably through the use of smoke signals, and bottles floating down stream. Up stream communication may be difficult.
Kerrie Greenhalgh along with her partner Lelani, has decided to give up Starbucks and all things technological and will be moving to the Australian Outback where they will begin a years log immersion into Aboriginal culture.
Chad Hyams finally had enough of Ben Kinney and told him where to stick his IMSD. It is thought he will become Community Manager and Lead Instructor for a snail farm in Mississippi where he hopes to corner the market on Escargot.
Lauren Bernstein will continue her food, wine, travel and tech passions by buying a vintage 1962 VW Bus and discovering America one break down after another.
When last seen, the staff was drinking beer and dancing at an undisclosed location somewhere outside of Seattle, WA:
The remaining staff members have banded together and will be trekking to England to become extras in the long awaited 13th episode of the Harry Potter movies, tentatively titled "Real Leads don't fly broomsticks"