
5 Tips to Going Green in the Bay Area

Real Estate Agent with Intero Real Estate Services

1) Change Your Light Bulbs

-By replacing just five incandescent light bulbs with compactfluorescent (CFL) bulbs, you can save $100 per year on electric bills whileusing up to 75 percent less energy and removing greenhouse gases from theenvironment.
2)Buy ENERGY STAR® Appliances
-According to ENERGY STAR, if just one in 10 homes used ENERGYSTAR-qualified appliances, the impact could be compared to planting 1.7 millionnew acres of trees. You can reduce your energy bill by $80 per year.
3)Seal Up
-Get rid of air leaks in doors, windows and other areas by caulkinggaps and cracks.
4)Use Less Water
-By installing low-flow toilets, showerheads and faucets, you can savethousands of gallons of water each year. In addition, replace leaky fixtures.
5)Adjust the Thermostat
-Rule of thumb should be: turn up the dial in the summer and down inthe winter. Lowering the temperature by just one degree will reduce yourelectrical costs
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Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTORĀ®, EcoBroker, GREEN

Great list!  I'm also an EcoBroker so kudos to you for this list!  Make sure to join the Group aspiring to all things green. Search for Eco and you'll see it.  Best of luck!

Apr 01, 2013 09:10 AM