1) Change Your Light Bulbs
-By replacing just five incandescent light bulbs with compactfluorescent (CFL) bulbs, you can save $100 per year on electric bills whileusing up to 75 percent less energy and removing greenhouse gases from theenvironment.
2)Buy ENERGY STAR® Appliances
-According to ENERGY STAR, if just one in 10 homes used ENERGYSTAR-qualified appliances, the impact could be compared to planting 1.7 millionnew acres of trees. You can reduce your energy bill by $80 per year.
3)Seal Up
-Get rid of air leaks in doors, windows and other areas by caulkinggaps and cracks.
4)Use Less Water
-By installing low-flow toilets, showerheads and faucets, you can savethousands of gallons of water each year. In addition, replace leaky fixtures.
5)Adjust the Thermostat
-Rule of thumb should be: turn up the dial in the summer and down inthe winter. Lowering the temperature by just one degree will reduce yourelectrical costs