
Where it Counts

Managing Real Estate Broker with Windermere Peninsula Properties

A lot of people dream of one day owning their own business and being the boss. Having done it and owning Inferno Advertising, I happen to know it is as great as it sounds but it does come with a price.

Owning your own business means you can set your own hours, if in the right environment- wear your PJs to work and decide how you are going to set up shop. And most importantly how you are going to keep the doors open.                                                       Inferno advertising

Many people rely on a smart business plan, being unique and offering something the market is missing. All of these of course are important aspects but what is the plan when something goes wrong?

You can never over rely on excellent customer service and having fun at what you do. Thank you notes, smiles and going the extra mile can add up quick. It can be what makes the difference in success or failure and where it really counts.

At Inferno Advertising we know it is not enough to note something should be have to do it, and we do. We even have a friendly little competition at the office for the best customer service story- winner gets a free lunch- and a chance to brag a bit!

Remember the best marketing in the world is a referral from a satisfied customer and the worst - you guessed it- a dissatisfied customer.

It is always worth the time, to take the time and do it right. I know, because the repeat clients we work with at Inferno Advertising tell me so again and again.


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When you are Buying or Selling your home EXPECT MORE!Call or text Dinah Griffey today at 360-551-8888 or visit my website

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Paul S. Henderson, REALTORĀ®, CRS
Fathom Realty Washington LLC - Tacoma, WA
South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!

Sooo glad to see you back after a 2 year break Dinah! I look forward to reading about your new business!

Apr 08, 2013 06:51 AM
Trisha Bush-LeFore
Preferred Properties Land & Homes - Walla Walla, WA
Providing Realtor Services in the Walla Walla Area

What a wonderful environment to set in an office! I applaud you.

Apr 08, 2013 06:52 AM
Dale Bledsoe
Crown Key Realty - Tracy, CA
Realtor in Tracy, California

Exceed their expectations and you have a winner. Leave nothing to chance and always but always go the extra mile. 

Apr 08, 2013 07:08 AM
Dinah Lee Griffey
Windermere Peninsula Properties - Allyn, WA
Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties

Paul- Sooo glad to be back! BTW Bubba's is back open and is even better than before. Iplan to blog about their success soon.



Apr 08, 2013 07:25 AM
Dinah Lee Griffey
Windermere Peninsula Properties - Allyn, WA
Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties

Trisha- It has to be fun or what is the point !) I think getting up and looking forward to going to work is important.

Apr 08, 2013 07:27 AM
Dinah Lee Griffey
Windermere Peninsula Properties - Allyn, WA
Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties

Dale- EXACTLY!!! :)

Apr 08, 2013 07:28 AM